Deep Ocean Circulation: Physical and Chemical Aspects


Jan 24, 2014
Reaction score
by T. Teramoto


Pages: 393
Publisher: Science Publishers
Edition: 1st, May 1st, 1993
Language: English
ISBN 10: 0444555927
ISBN-13: 978-0444555922


This volume comprises the final report of the research project entitled the Dynamics of the Deep Ocean Circulation. The layered structure of the subsurface circulation, which had been predicted in the hypothetical model proposed prior to the research, is verified through Eulerian and Lagrangian measurements of current. By the use of the numerical model, the deep circulation of the Philippine Sea, which has been long supposed to be isolated from the North Pacific, is revealed to be derived in close association with that of the latter ocean. Behavior of the deep current around the equator is also clarified by numerical modeling. By the extensive use of sediment trapping technology, it becomes clear that sinking sediments play an important role in the distribution of chemical substances in the deep ocean. Graduate students in the field of oceanography will find this a good textbook.

Table of Contents:

T.Teramoto ................................. v
Chapter 1: Motivation of the Project Research and a Hypo-
thetical Circulation model presented prior to the Research
Motivation of the Project Research and a Hypothetical Circulation Model Pre-
sented Prior to the Research
T. Teramoto ................................. 3
Chapter 2: Structure of Subsurface Water Circulation and
Associated Distribution of Water Properties
Deep Water Properties and Circulation in the Western North Pacific
M. Kawabe .................................. 17
Density Field along 12"N and
13'N in the Philippine Sea
I<. Uehara, I(. Taira and A. Masuda .................... 39
Abyssal Boundary Current along the Northwestern Perimeter
of the Philippine
M. Chaen,
M. Fukasawa, A. Maeda, M. Sakurai and M. Takematsu ...
Deep Circulation in the Shikoku Basin Measured with the SOFAR floats
K. Taira and D. Yanagimoto ........................ 69
Chapter 3: Circulation and Mixing of Water as Deduced from
Distribution of Chemical Tracers
Chemistry and the Oceans:* An Overview
Y. Nozaki ................................... 83
Philippine Sea Abyssal Waters in the Northwestern Pacific: Characterization
from Tracer-Tracer Diagrams
T. Gamo ................................... 91
of the Japan Sea Deep Water Studied with Chemical and Radie
chemical Tracers
S. Tsunogai, Y. W. Watanabe, I(. Harada, S. Watanabe, S. Saito and
M. Nakajima ................................ 105
Instrumental Development for Measurement of Phosphate in Seawater and
Some Discussion
of Nutrient Distributions in the North Pacific
K. Fujiwara and H. Tsubota ....................... 121
A Steady State Tracer for the Deep-sea Basin-wide Circulation
and Mixing Studies
Y. Nozaki.................................. 139
Distributions and Mass-balance of 2399240Pu and 137Cs in the Northern North
Y. Nagaya and K. Nakamura
. 157
Trace Metals in the North Pacific - Recent Development of Clean Techniques
and their Applications to Ocean Chemistry
H. Tsubota,
S. Nakamura and K. Shitashima ............... 169
Distribution of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen in the North Pacific Ocean
Y. Maita and M. Yanada .......................... 185
Determination of Some Oxyacid Elements and Manganese in Seawater and
their Distributions in Some Unique Environments
of the North Pacific
E. Nakayama,
Y. Sohrin and K. Isshiki ................... 199
Chapter 4: Vertical Flux of Chemical Substances and their
Behaviours in the Deep Oceans
Seasonal Variation of Lithogenic Flux in Japan Trench Continental Slope Mea-
sured by Sediment Trap
S. Noriki, R. Saito, C. Saito and S. Tsunogai
21 1
Vertical Fluxes of Organic Materials in the Northern North West Pacific and
Breid Bay, Antarctica, with Special Reference in the Effect
of Phytoplankton
N. Handa and
T. Nakatsuka. ..............
......... 221
Organic Composition of Sinking Particles (JT-01) in Japan Trench as Revealed
by Pyrolysis
Gas Chromatography/mass Spectrometry
R. Ishiwatari,
S. Yamamoto, N. Handa and Y. Nozaki .........
Chapter 5: Modelling of Subsurface Water Circulation and
Associated Dynamical Processes
Numerical Modelling of the Philippine Sea
................................. 255
The Occurrence of Vacillation in a Model Ocean Driven by Wind, Heat and
Salinity Flux
K. Takeuchi and Y. Kashino ........................ 273
Modelling of Western Pacific Abyssal Circulation - Preliminary Experiment
N. Suginohara,
S. Aoki and M. Nakata. .................
Diagnostic Approaches on Deep Ocean Circulation
N. Imasato,
H. Nagashima, H. Takeoka and S. Fuji0 ........... 307
Laboratory Experiments of Dense Water Descending on Continental Slope
Y. Nagata,
R. Kimura, H. Honji, Y. Yamazaki, K. Kawaguchi and
T. Hosoyamada ................................ 333
Chapter 6: Development of Acoustic Technology for Ocean
Target Parameter Estimation by Linear-Period h4odulated Signal
W. Mitsuhashi and H. Mochizuki ......................
A Low Frequency Underwater Sound Source and Control Technique of Trans-
ducer Directivity
H. Hachiya and M. Okujima
....................... .365
Development of Multipaths Inverted Echosounder
T. Takeuchi and K. Taira .......................... 375
