Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences, 2nd Edition [2011]

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Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences (Second Edition)
Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Editor-in-Chief: John W. Fuquay
ISBN: 978-0-12-374407-4

US$ 895.00


The Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences is a complete resource for researchers, students and practitioners involved in all aspects of dairy science and related food science and technology areas. Extensively cross-referenced, it covers the core theories, methods, and techniques employed by dairy scientists. It enables readers to access basic information on topics peripheral to their own areas, provides a repository of the core information in the area that can be used to refresh the researcher's own memory, and aids teachers in directing students to areas relevant to their course work.

The Encyclopedia contains information that has been distilled, organized and presented as a complete reference tool to the user. This four-volume set includes over 400 articles covering all aspects of dairy science. Included are numerous figures and tables illustrating the text as well as a color plate section in each volume. The inclusion of "Further Reading" lists at the end of each article provide easy access to further information and a guide into the primary literature.

Dairy Science includes the study of milk and milk-derived food products, examining the biological, chemical, physical, and microbiological aspects of milk itself as well as the technological (processing) aspects of the transormation of milk into its various consumer products, including beverages, fermented products, contentraed and dried products, butter and ice cream.
This new edition includes information on the possible impact of genetic modification of dairy animals, safety concerns of raw milk and raw milk products, peptides in milk, dairy-based allergies, packaging and shelf-life and other topics of importance and interest to those in dairy research and industry.

*Fully reviewed, revised and updated with the latest developments in Dairy Science
*Full color inserts in each volume illustrate key concepts
*Extended index for easily locating information

  • Hardcover: 4170 pages
  • Publisher: Academic Press; 2 edition (May 20, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0123744024
  • ISBN-13: 978-0123744029
Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences
2nd. Ed., 4170 pages, 4 Volumes, 2011.
Alternatives: Uploaded 24/07/2012


In order to check this huge file you must open it with adobe reader choosing a lecture percentage of 50%, small one, start scroll down the pages since the begining. You'll notice after content pages
that it will appear on your pages counter this 1: 355 pages, for instance, that meaning volume 1: xx number of pages. This volume will finish until 1: 925. Then inmediately you'll notice number 2 appearing, instead of 1 while you keep scrolling down. And so on.
Hope you find it useful, :rose3:


For Dearest Dr. Stator

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