Feline Husbandry, 1991


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Mar 9, 2009
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Vatican City Veterinary Student
Feline Husbandry, Disease and Management in multiple-cat environment,
1991, UC Davis
By Pedersen, Niels and Pratt, Paul.


Pages: 464
Publisher: American Veterinary Publications
Edition: 1991
Language: English


Pedersen's "Feline Husbandry" is an excellent reference for the serious cat fancier. There are good overviews on feline health, disease, genetic defects, cattery health protocols, etc.

All in one single pdf

An old but still useful and recommended book about how to manage multiple cat households and approach disease in them.

ENJOY! :raisehat:
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This is actually the best book I've read on cat husbandry. Better than many other cat breeding books. It lacks of the behavior aspects. Still, I would recommend it to any cat breeder, multiple cat owner or someone that is serious into cat fancy. I wish they would work on a newer more updated edition because many things have changed since 1991. More disease research and nowadays they do PCR testing for Gangliosidosis, Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Polycystic Kidney Disease, Progressive Retinal Atrophy and more (as can be viewed here). I believe the author of this book works in Leslie Lyons lab in UC Davis which works on feline DNA research. So he must be familiar with it :)