Final Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl


Feb 24, 2009
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India Small Animal Veterinarian
Final Recovery Plan for the Northern Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis caurina
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Pub. Date: 2008
Publisher: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Format: 158 PP


The northern spotted owl (spotted owl) was listed under the Endangered Species Act as threatened on June 26, 1990 because of the inadequacy of existing regulatory mechanisms to conserve the spotted owl and "due to loss and adverse modification of suitable habitat as a result of timber harvesting and exacerbated by catastrophic events such as fire, volcanic eruption, and wind storms.
This Northern Spotted Owl Recovery Plan (Recovery Plan or Plan) was prepared with the assistance of a Recovery Team representing Federal agencies, State governments, and other affected and interested parties, as well as the assistance of a contractor (Sustainable Ecosystems Institute or SEI). The Recovery Team members served as independent advisors to the Service for the development of the Draft Recovery Plan. This Plan does not necessarily represent the view or official position of any individual or organization—other than that of the Service—involved in its development. Additional valuable support was provided by three work groups of Federal and State agency scientists and academic researchers.

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Link 2: [thanks-THANKS] Final Rec Plan 051408.pdfDirect download from Website[/thanks-THANKS]