Request Fish Larval Physiology


Nov 7, 2011
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Vietnam Non-Veterinarian
Fish Larval Physiology
Roderick Nigel Finn: Department of Biology, University of Bergen, Norway
B.G. Kapoor: Formerly Professor of Zoology, The University of Jodhpur, India
ISBN 978-1-57808-388-6/ 2008/ 742 pages incl. 26 color illustrations, hc/ US $ 139.95

The book is intended as a resource for students and researchers interested in developmental biology and physiology and specifically addresses the larval stages of fish. Fish larvae (and fish embryos) are not small juveniles or adults. Rather they are transitionary organisms that bridge the critical gap between the singlecelled egg and sexually immature juvenile. Fish larvae represent the stage of the life cycle that is used for differentiation, feeding and distribution.
This book aims at providing a single-volume treatise that explains how fish larvae develop and differentiate, how they regulate salt, water and acid-base balance, how they transport and exchange gases, acquire and utilise energy, how they sense their environment, and move in their aquatic medium, how they control and defend themselves, and finally how they grow up.


Part 1: Ontogeny
o Pattern Formation: Thomas E. Hall
o Pigmentation: Robert N. Kelsh and Darvid Parichy
o Bioluminescence: Andrey V. Suntsov, Edith A Widder and Tracey T. Sutton

Part 2: Respiration & Homeostasis
o Gas Exchange: Bernd Pelster
o Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology: Warren Burggren and Brian Bagatto
o Osmo-and Ionoregulation: Toyoji Kaneko and Junya Hiroi
o Acid-base balance: Colin J. Brauner

Part 3: Nutrition and Energy
o Digestion: Ivar Rønnestad and Sofia Morais
o Nitrogen Excretion: Bendik F. Terjesen

Part 4: Sensory Physiology
o Mechanoreception: Patricia M. Pankhurst
o Chemoreception: Kjell B. Døving and Alexander Kasumyan
o Photoreception: Ellis R. Loew and Christina M. Wahl
o Electroreception: Frank Kirschbaum and Jean-Pierre Denizot
o Magnetoreception: Krzysztof Formicki

Part 5: Movement
o Buoyancy: John J. Govoni and Richard B. Forward Jr.
o Swimming and Muscle: Ulrike K. Müller

Part 6: Control and Defense
o Enteric Control: Anna Holmberg, Susanne Holmgren and Catharina Olsson
o Immunology: Agustín G. Zapata and Alfonso Cortés

Part 7: Functional Changes in Form
o Metamorphosis: D.M. Power, N. Silva and M.A. Campinho
o Smoltification: Sigurd O. Stefansson, Björn Th Björnsson, Lars O.E. Ebbesson and Stephen D. McCormick

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