Request Fish Medicine (INFO no Request!)


Nov 3, 2009
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Belgium Small Animal Veterinarian
FYI about

Fish Medicine by Stoskopf

This book is not being scanned and made available yet, but I have one original myself and I know how difficult, nearly impossible it is to get it (for a normal price at least).

Check this:

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I really would like the original book, but look at the prices, it's sick. I'm most likely ending up buying the booklet though. I didn't quite understand what Stoskopf is saying here... Will he make a third edition (of the booklet series) or is he working on a second (updated) edition of the hardbook from 1993? Also, making a booklet out of the original book, means he must have digitalized the original book. It's really sad it's not available (to public at least - lulu got it) in e-book format, when the process of making this booklet had to be done. Stoskopf also say that the printing quality from lulu could be everything from great to not so good, but still readable, which sounds very unprofessional something that he is literally stating himself. A high quality e-book would solve this issue, as we would have the option to print it out ourselves. It doesn't look like Stoskopf thought of this as a solution which is sad :/
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No, what he said is that the 2 books of the so called "2nd Edition" are just a full and not revised copy, a simple reprint of the one and only 1st Edition, the one from 1993, just for technical reasons it is split into two volumes, the content should be just the same.

As it is just a reprint in copy-shop quality, it will not be right the same as the original, but the original itself is just black and white with some greyscale pictures, so I think it will be not too bad at all.

If he makes an ebook...well just get aware where you are, he would only sell it once ;-)

Then he apparently is working on a new Edition, a real 2nd one, but who knows if and when he will have finished it....
Just a heads up for anyone interested, by June 20th this is available as epub format (only vol 1 for some strange reason, 2 missing) at lulu here and ibookstore here.
Personally i find epub format bad, and trying to convert it to pdf messes it up :S Maybe I'm doing something wrong.
If someone can provide the pdf-file.
and If there are some pages missing, I can complete the book.
I have the book but it will take me too long time if I scan it.
Sorry for that.