Request Fundamentals of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (2008)


Mar 1, 2009
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Colombia Small Animal Veterinarian
I know that here exist the first edition (incomplete of this book) I post it here, I'm asking for this edition, thanks in advance

Product Details

  • Hardcover: 936 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 2 edition (May 27, 2008)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0813800765
  • ISBN-13: 978-0813800769
  • Product Dimensions: 10.1 x 7 x 1.7 inches
Review “Almost all the chapters begin wtih an expanded, useful list of topics. This textbook is particularly useful for residents in clinical pathology and internal medicine training programs. It is an outstanding reference for clinical pathologists and anyone involved in performing and interpreting clinical pathology data. Owners of the first edition should consider purchasing this book if the enhancements are essential to their job responsibilities.” - Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, December 2008 “This thorough textbook covers basic veterinary clinical pathology concepts. This edition includes more images and color plates. Aspects of cytology and bone marrow examination are new to this edition. The figures are one of the book's best features because they truly assist students in understanding the underlying mechanism of a process. Additional color plates have been added to this edition, which make the book more useful. This is a useful book for veterinary students, residents, and practitioners. Although the content is comparable to other texts, the level of detail is greater. The authors have made significant improvements in this new edition." - Doody's Book Reviews, October 2008

Product Description

This book provides in-depth information about common clinical laboratory assays that are used to evaluate domestic mammals, including what assays measure, sample or assay conditions that affect results, and what results indicate about the physiologic or pathologic state of a patient. Whenever possible, diseases and conditions are grouped by common mechanisms or processes to promote a conceptual understanding of laboratory data that can be generally applied across many species. New to the second edition are additional disorders, diagnostic tests, illustrations, images, references, and pathophysiologic explanations. This text has proven valuable to students and veterinarians wanting a fundamental understanding of veterinary clinical pathology.