Hatchery Techniques and Culture of the Sea-cucumber Holothuria scabra


Nov 7, 2011
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Vietnam Non-Veterinarian
[h=1]Hatchery Techniques and Culture of the Sea-cucumber Holothuria scabra

James, D B and Gandhi, A D and Palaniswamy, N and Rodrigo, Joseph Xavier (1994) Hatchery Techniques and Culture of the Sea-cucumber Holothuria scabra. CMFRI Special Publication , 57 . pp. 1-40.[h=2]Abstract[/h]In India the Beche-de-mer industry is very ancient one. Till recently the whole fishery was supported only by a single species namely Holothuria scabra. As a result of this the natural populations dwindled down alarmingly. In order to eiu-ich the natural populations a Research Project was taken up by the Central Marine Fislieries Research Institute at Tuticorin Research Centre in 1987 on the hatchery and culture of sea-cucumbers. Break-through was achieved in 1988 in inducing Holothuria scabra to spawn in the laboratory for the first time by thermal stimulation and producing seeds. Since then several spawnings have taken place and seeds produced. In 1992 the Marine Products Export Development Authority, Cochin has sanctioned a Research Project for six lakhs rupees for three years on intensive seed production and sea-ranching of sea-cucumbers. This has given a further impetus to the work

