Hormones and Growth in Domestic Animals

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CHAPTER 4 Hormones and Growth in Domestic Animals​

Book chapter: CHAPTER 4 Hormones and Growth in Domestic Animals
Author: Colin G. Scanes
Page range: 99 - 127
Book : Handbook of Physiology, Supplement 24: The Endocrine System, Hormonal Control of Growth
Year: 1999
Publisher: American Physiological Society​

Chapter content:
1 Requirement of Growth Hormone for Growth of Domestic Animals: Hypophysectomy/Growth Hormone-Replacement Therapy Studies
1.1 General Considerations
1.2 Hypophysectomy and Postnatal Growth in Domestic Animals (Mammals)
1.3 Hypophysectomy and Posthatching Growth of Poultry
1.4 Hypophysectomy and Fetal Growth in Domestic Animals (Mammals)
1.5 Hypophysectomy and Embryonic Growth of Poultry
2 Effects of Growth Hormone on Growth and Performance of Livestock and Poultry
2.1 General Considerations
2.2 Growth Hormone and Growth in Pigs
2.3 Growth Hormone and Growth in Horses
2.4 Growth Hormone and Growth in Ruminants (Cattle and Sheep)
2.5 Growth Hormone and Growth in Poultry
3 Physiological Mechanisms of Growth Hormone Action on Growth
3.1 Roles of Insulin-Like Growth Factor and Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Proteins as Mediators of Growth Hormone Action
3.2 Growlh Hormone and Growth of Adipose Tissue (Accumulation or Accretion of Fat)
3.3 Growth Hormone and Growth of Muscle (Accretion of Protein)
3.4 Chronic Administration of Growth Hormone and Carbohydrate Metabolism
4 Other Hormones Influencing Growth in Livestock and Poultry
4.1 General Considerations
4.2 Glucocorticoids and Growth
4.3 Insulin and Growth
4.4 Sex Steroids and Growth
4.5 Thyroid Hormones and Growth
5 Conclusions
