Request Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Livestock


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Mar 17, 2009
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Iran Large Animal Veterinarian
Now Published!

Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Livestock (2 volume set)

By P Lefèvre, French Ministry of Agriculture, J Blancou, World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE), R Chemette, Alfort National Veterinary School, France, G Uilenberg, formerly Proffesor, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Utrech (Netherlands) and formerly Director for Animal Health of CIRAD-EMVT
September 2010 / Hardback / 2080 Pages / 9782743008727 £241.00 / $407.00 / €300.00

In recent years infectious livestock diseases have swept across many countries, often with dramatic consequences for animal and public health. With climactic changes modifying the distribution of vector-borne diseases, emerging novel pathogens can spread rapidly in new areas, at the same time as resistance spreads in places where they are established. This calls for new approaches for the control of parasitic diseases.
This book presents in detail over 130 viral, bacterial, fungal and parasitic diseases of large livestock species from all over the world, accompanied by very valuable and informative illustrations and photographs. Particular attention is also paid to the role of wildlife in their epidemiology, stressing the potential zoonotic characteristics of diseases where applicable and their effects on humans.

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