Interpet Guide to Fish Breeding (Fishkeeper's Guides)


Nov 7, 2011
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Vietnam Non-Veterinarian
[TABLE="width: 100%"]
[TD="class: itemviewrow, bgcolor: #F7FAFB, align: left"]Interpet Guide to Fish Breeding (Fishkeeper's Guides)
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[TD="align: left"]by Chris Andrews
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Pages: 120
Publisher: --
Edition: 1st., 1999
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1902389608


Learning how to breed fishes successfully in the aquarium is the ambition of all dedicated fishkeepers - beginners and experts alike. This colourful guide provides the ideal first steps in this fascinating pursuit, with full practical advice on breeding and rearing a wide selection of popular aquarium fishes. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

About the AuthorDr Chris Andrews has written a large number of articles and several books on aquarium fishkeeping. His interest in fish began with boyhood fishing trips and developed as he kept a range of fish and other animals as pets. After obtaining an Honors Degree in Zoology, he was awarded a PhD for his studies on the parasites and diseases of fish. He then spent eight years as a fisheries scientist and as a consultant to a major manufacturer of fish foods and other products for the aquarium trade. After five years as the Curator of the Aquarium at London Zoo, Dr Andrews moved to the US, where he is the Senior Director of Biological Programmes at the National Aquarium in Baltimore. His current responsibilities include the care of the collection of more than 600 species of animals, as well as the direction of the ongoing conservation and research projects.


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