Laboratory animal anesthesia for minor procedures - e-learning module


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Jun 16, 2009
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Greece Non-Veterinarian
Title: Laboratory Animal Anesthesia for Minor Procedures, EU Module 20

Author: offered with NC3Rs funding from Newcastle University (Paul Flecknell's group)

Type: e-learning module

Intended for: researchers, veterinarians, technicians, and others involved in laboratory animal science

The online resource, developed by Professor Paul Flecknell and his team at Newcastle University and funded by the NC3Rs, aims to ensure best practice in anaesthesia for minor procedures, by providing readily accessible training materials for researchers, technicians and those developing and running courses for staff involved in in vivo research.The scenario-based training materials are designed to be used as a basic introduction, a refresher, or for more specific training necessary for continued professional development.
Widespread use of the resource should lead to a sustained improvement in the welfare of a large numbers of animals, and potentially improve the quality of scientific data obtained from them.
The online programme is free to access and contains material specifically aligned with the learning objectives of EU Module 20. The UK accrediting bodies (Society of Biology, Scottish Accreditation Board and Universities’ Training Group) support use of the resource in accredited courses for personal licence holders.
A version that permits tracking of user completion is available at FLAIR e-learning.
