Large Animal Internal Medicine (National Veterinary Medical Series)


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Nov 6, 2011
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India Veterinary Student
The "National Veterinary Medical Series" (NVMS) is an effective, economical system for learning and review. Basic and clinical veterinary sciences are outlined in a format that enables to master large amounts of information in a limited amount of time. This book in the "National Veterinary Medical Series" helps prepare for the National Boards and the Clinical Competency Test and is a resource for problem-based learning.
[h=2]Product description[/h][FONT=&quot][h=3]From the Back Cover[/h]The National Veterinary Medical Series (NVMS) is an effective, economical system for learning and review. Basic and clinical veterinary sciences are outlined in a practical format that enables you to master large amounts of information in a limited amount of time.
The books in the NVMS help you prepare for the National Boards and the Clinical Competency Test and are excellent resources for problem-based learning.

[h=3]About the Author[/h]Timothy H. Ogilvie, DVM, MSc, Diplomate, ACVIM, Professor and Chair, Department of Health Management, Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
[h=2]Product details[/h]
  • Paperback: 512 pages
  • Publisher:
  • Language: English
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