Request Large Animal Neurology

Ani Sa

Oct 24, 2016
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Algeria Veterinary Student
Large Animal Neurology, 2nd Edition
By Joe Mayhew


Pages: 464
Publisher: --
Edition: 2008
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-4051-5493-2

Long-awaited new edition of the classic text on large animal neurology. Written by one of the world’s leading experts, the book reflects his considerable experience gained in America, Australia, New Zealand and Britain.
This practical reference is a complete guide for all veterinarians in handling large animal neurologic cases. It is richly illustrated in full colour throughout, with 200 colour photographs plus detailed line drawings. In addition a wide variety of diseases are brought to life in video clips on the accompanying DVDs. This invaluable video library provides examples of actions, movements, postures and syndromes, and helps to visualise the definitions of clinical signs described in the text.

Part I provides the information needed by the clinician to approach large animal neurologic cases.
Part II contains clinical discussions of clinical syndromes caused by diseases of the nervous system commonly encountered in practice.
Part III is new for the second edition, and describes mechanisms and most specific neurologic diseases of domestic animals, with frequent cross-references to the clinical problems in Part II.

This second edition reflects the considerable advances in the understanding of neurologic diseases, diagnostic modalities and treatment options since the first edition published in 1989.

Table of Contents

Preface to First Edition.
Preface to Second Edition.
PART I: Evaluation of Large Animal Neurologic Patients.
1. Neuroanatomy.
2. Neurologic Evaluation.
3. Ancillary Diagnostic Aids.
4. Pathologic Responses of the Nervous System.
PART II: Clinical Problems in Large Animal Neurology.
5. Disorders of Behavior.
6. Seizures and Epilepsy.
7. Sleep Disorders.
8. Coma and Altered States of Consciousness.
9. Blindness.
10. Miosis, Mydriasis, Anisocoria and Horner’s Syndrome.
11. Strabismus.
12. Dropped Mandible and Masticatory Muscle Atrophy.
13. Decreased and Increased Facial Sensation.
14. Facial Paralysis and Facial Spasm.
15. Pharyngeal Dysphagia.
16. Dilated Esophagus.
17. Laryngeal Paresis and Paralysis; Roaring.
18. Tongue Paralysis.
19. Head Tilt, Circling, Nystagmus and Other Signs of Vestibular Abnormalities.
20. Deafness.
21. Disorders of Posture and Movement.
22. Incoordination of the Head and Limbs: Cerebellar Diseases.
23. Tetraparesis, Paraparesis and Ataxia of the Limbs: Spinal Cord Diseases.
24. Diffuse Weakness.
25. Paresis and Paralysis of One Limb: Monoparesis:.
26. Urinary Bladder Distention, Dilated Rectum and Anus and Atonic Tail: Cauda Equina Syndrome.
27. Pruritus, Self-Mutilation, Head Shaking, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Miscellaneous Distressing Disorders.
28. Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction.
29. Vertebral and Paravertebral Problems:Stiff Neck and Sore Back.
PART III: Mechanisms and Specific Diseases.
30. Congenital, Genetic and Familial Disorders.
31. Infectious, Inflammatory and Immune Diseases.
32. Physical and Chemical Causes.
33. Toxic Diseases.
34. Nutritional Diseases.
35. Metabolic Diseases.
36. Neoplasms and other Tumors.
37. Multifactorial and Idiopathic Disorders.
PART IV: Video Library.