Request Marine Fisheries Ecology(Wiley-Blackwell)


Nov 7, 2011
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Vietnam Non-Veterinarian

[h=2]Product details[/h]
  • Paperback: 432 pages
  • Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 1st ed edition (9 Feb 2001)
  • Language English

[h=2]Product Description[/h][h=3]Review[/h]"The book is indeed a boon to both the student and teaching communities."Pashudhan "...this book, better than any other single volume I know at present, covers topics that will be important in future ecosystem-based management of fisheries." Fish and Fisheries "Well-written and thoughtfully put together" Professor Terry Quinn (Alaska, Fairbanks) "This book will be widely read and cited"Professor Jeremy Collie (Rhode Island) "Marine Fisheries Ecology is a work of art that provides a broad, ecosystem-level understanding of the biological, economic, and social factors affecting and motivating diverse fisheries at global scales. This "must-read" is an extremely well-written and expertly organized treatise. It will have significant appeal for the established fisheries professional and the student and lecturer alike, including informed members of the public interested in marine ecology and production processes, patterns of fisheries exploitation, socioeconomics, and the complexities of aquatic resource politics and decisionmaking..." Carl V. BurgerPast President, American Fisheries Society -and- Chair of the Executive Committee, 4th World Fisheries Congress, Vancouver, B.C. Canada

[h=3]Product Description[/h]This topical and exciting textbook describes fisheries exploitation, biology, conservation and management, and reflects many recent and important changes in fisheries science. These include growing concerns about the environmental impacts of fisheries, the role of ecological interactions in determining population dynamics, and the incorporation of uncertainty and precautionary principles into management advice. The book draws upon examples from tropical, temperate and polar environments, and provides readers with a broad understanding of the biological, economic and social aspects of fisheries ecology and the interplay between them. As well as covering 'classical' fisheries science, the book focuses on contemporary issues such as industrial fishing, poverty and conflict in fishing communities, marine reserves, the effects of fishing on coral reefs and by-catches of mammals, seabirds and reptiles. The book is primarily written for students of fisheries science and marine ecology, but should also appeal to practising fisheries scientists and those interested in conservation and the impacts of humans on the marine environment.

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