Mediafire file hosting

Gon Paran

New member
Apr 20, 2011
Reaction score
Israel (Occupied Palestine)
Different file hosting sites offer different things but there is one site that offer one amazing thing, it allows guests to download more than one file at a time. and there is no waiting period till you can download your file.
I suggest that would be the standard file hosting website for this forum.
It depends.

Apparently not all users can use Mediafire without technical problems and my NORTON oftenly shows risks particularly with Mediafire that I cannot check up more specifically or disprove...
I agree with Gon Paran, mediafire is the most user-friendly hosting site and download and upload speeds are really good.
For being user friendly for my personal needs I prefer

But depending on supporting different Users (or equal others) would be generally more constructive than just one single provider.
I totally agree Mediafire is the best filehosting site on earth
I've tryed RAPIDSHRE, but is so confusing about what services the free user can and cannot use. so after read you, i'm trying MEDIAFIRE. So far it's very good. Friendly interface, good velocity of upload and download. untill now i had lots of books in my HD, and didn't know how to share.
So, soon I show what i got uploaded... i have great stuff included lot's of material in Portuguese, that's very dificult to find!!

eventually we could share some torrent tips to!!
I tried several and settled on mediafire - it allows rapid downloads and is anonymous for the downloader - one click and away you go!
Rapidshare has amazing speeds now, but mediafire is more abuse-proof, if not one of the most abuse-proof around. is the best file hosting. I try to look for a new file hosting like mediafire such as But has been closed.
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YES, mediafire is the most user-friendly hosting site and download and upload speeds are really very good...
yes, it is. our college using cyber roam software to contro some web site but still medfire working goog for us.