Molecular Diagnosis of Salmonid Diseases
Series: Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Vol. 3
Cunningham, Carey O. (Ed.)
Year:2002, 364 p.
About this book
This is the first comprehensive collection of molecular techniques for diagnosing diseases important in the culture and conservation of salmonid fish. It brings together leading authors in this rapidly growing field and provides an overview of the present state of the art from the perspective of practical application of these methods in diagnostic laboratories. This book will serve as a useful handbook for diagnosticians and researchers involved in fish disease, particularly laboratories establishing these new diagnostic tests for the first time, and provides valuable background information on many of the diseases and their causative organisms.
Table of contents
Series editor's preface.
List of contributors.
Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Salmon Anaemia; S. Mjaaland, et al.
Molecular and Identification of IPNV in Salmoninds by Molecular Methods; C.P. Dopazo, J.L. Barja.
Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus and Viral Hermorrhagic Septicemia Virus; J.R. Winton and K. Einer-Jensen.
Molecular Diagnosis of Aeromonas Salmonicida Infections; D.J. Colquhoun, C.O. Cunningham.
The Genera Flavobacterium and Flexibacter; J.A. Bader, C.E. Starliper.
The Biology and Molecular Detection of Piscrickettsia Salmonis; M.L. House, J.L. Fryer.
Comparison of Traditional and Molecular Methods for Detection of Renibacterium Salmoninarum; R.J. Pascho, et al.
Molecular Approaches for the Study and Diagnosis of Salmonid Streptococcosis; J.L. Romalde, A.E. Toranzo.
Gyrodactylus Salaris Malmberg, 1957 (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea); C.O. Cunningham.
Molecular Diagnostics for Loma Salmonae and Nucleospora Salmonis (Microsporidia); A.M.V. Brown, M.L. Kent.
Molecular Tools for the Diagnosis of Ceratomyxa Shasta (Myxozoa); O. Palenzuela, J.L. Bartholomew.
PCR and In Situ Hybridisation of Tetracapsula Bryosalmonae (PKX), the Causative Agent of Proliferative Kidney Disease; D.J. Morris, A. Adams.
Nucleic Acid - Based Methods for Detection of Myxobolus Cerebralis; K.B. Andree, D.B. Antonio.
Diagnosis Kudoa Thyrsites (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) Infections in Fish; J.D.W. Moran, M.L. Kent.
Series: Reviews: Methods and Technologies in Fish Biology and Fisheries, Vol. 3
Cunningham, Carey O. (Ed.)
Year:2002, 364 p.
About this book
This is the first comprehensive collection of molecular techniques for diagnosing diseases important in the culture and conservation of salmonid fish. It brings together leading authors in this rapidly growing field and provides an overview of the present state of the art from the perspective of practical application of these methods in diagnostic laboratories. This book will serve as a useful handbook for diagnosticians and researchers involved in fish disease, particularly laboratories establishing these new diagnostic tests for the first time, and provides valuable background information on many of the diseases and their causative organisms.
Table of contents
Series editor's preface.
List of contributors.
Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Salmon Anaemia; S. Mjaaland, et al.
Molecular and Identification of IPNV in Salmoninds by Molecular Methods; C.P. Dopazo, J.L. Barja.
Molecular Diagnosis of Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis Virus and Viral Hermorrhagic Septicemia Virus; J.R. Winton and K. Einer-Jensen.
Molecular Diagnosis of Aeromonas Salmonicida Infections; D.J. Colquhoun, C.O. Cunningham.
The Genera Flavobacterium and Flexibacter; J.A. Bader, C.E. Starliper.
The Biology and Molecular Detection of Piscrickettsia Salmonis; M.L. House, J.L. Fryer.
Comparison of Traditional and Molecular Methods for Detection of Renibacterium Salmoninarum; R.J. Pascho, et al.
Molecular Approaches for the Study and Diagnosis of Salmonid Streptococcosis; J.L. Romalde, A.E. Toranzo.
Gyrodactylus Salaris Malmberg, 1957 (Platyhelminthes: Monogenea); C.O. Cunningham.
Molecular Diagnostics for Loma Salmonae and Nucleospora Salmonis (Microsporidia); A.M.V. Brown, M.L. Kent.
Molecular Tools for the Diagnosis of Ceratomyxa Shasta (Myxozoa); O. Palenzuela, J.L. Bartholomew.
PCR and In Situ Hybridisation of Tetracapsula Bryosalmonae (PKX), the Causative Agent of Proliferative Kidney Disease; D.J. Morris, A. Adams.
Nucleic Acid - Based Methods for Detection of Myxobolus Cerebralis; K.B. Andree, D.B. Antonio.
Diagnosis Kudoa Thyrsites (Myxozoa: Myxosporea) Infections in Fish; J.D.W. Moran, M.L. Kent.