Neurology Lectures

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Set 1
Introduction to Neuroscience (Strain)
Physiology of the Neuron (Strain)
Structure of the Spinal Cord (Duffield)
Afferent Mechanisms I (Duffield)
Sensory Receptor Physiology (Strain)
Skeletal Muscle Receptors (Strain)
Nerve Fiber Classification Table
Afferent Mechanisms II (Duffield)
Synaptic Physiology (Strain)
Neurotransmitters (Strain)
Caudal Brain Stem And Cranial Nerves I (Duffield)
Spinal Cord Reflexes (Strain)
Caudal Brain Stem And Cranial Nerves II (Duffield)
Information Processing in the Spinal Cord (Strain)
Caudal Brain Stem And Cranial Nerves III (Duffield)

et 2
Midbrain (Duffield)
CSF and the Blood-Brain Barrier (Strain)
Diencephalon (Duffield)
Telencephalon-Neocortex (Duffield)
General Somatic Sensory System (Strain)
Descending Pain Control (Strain)
Anatomy of the Visual System (Sparks)
Physiology of the Retina and Physiology of the Visual System (Strain)
Auditory System (Strain)
Vestibular System (Strain)
Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of Neural Function LAB (Strain)

et 3
Telencephalon 2 (Duffield)
Taste and Smell (Strain)
Cerebellum (Duffield)
Cerebellum and Midbrain Lab (Duffield)
Central Control of Motor Function (Strain)
Telencephalon 3 aka Limbic Lobe (Sparks)
Diencephalon and Telencephalon Lab (Duffield)
Autonomic Nervous System (Strain)
Hypothalamus (Strain)
Electroencephalography and CNS Dx (Strain)
Higher Functions of the CNS (Strain)

Margaret's Powerpoint for Neuro Lab Test