[Original] Physiology Lectures

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Feb 6, 2009
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Germany Small Animal Veterinarian
Dr. Strain's "Excitability of Membranes" Lec. 11.6.06 PPT (1.23 MB)

Dr. Venugopal's "Skeletal Muscle Contraction" Lec PPT (700 KB)

Dr. Venugopal's "Skeletal Muscle Contraction" LAB PPT (42 KB)

Dr. Venugopal's "Smooth Muscle Contraction" Lec PPT (790 KB)

Dr. Venugopal's "Smooth Muscle Contraction" LAB PPT (36 KB)

Dr. Venugopal's "Smooth Muscle Contraction" LAB PPT (36 KB)

Dr. Strain's "Neuron Membrane Potentials" VIDEO MPG (201 MB)

Dr. Eades' "ECG" PPT (10 MB)

Dr. Eades' "ECG examples" PPT (925 KB)

Dr. Eades' "Cardiac Contraction Excitation" PPT (4.7 MB)

Dr. Al's "Urinary System Physiology Part A" PPT (11 M)

Dr. Al's "Urinary System Physiology Part B" PPT (2.7 M)

Dr. Cheng's "Body Fluid Compartments" PPT (3.3 M)

Dr. Cheng's "Glomerular Filtration and Renal Blood Flow" PPT (4.5 M)

Dr. Cheng's "Glomerular Filtrate and Urine Formation" PPT (2.7 M)

Dr. Cheng's "Regulation of Fluid Volumes and Electrolyte Excretion" PPT (2.25 M)

Dr. Cheng's "Renal Endocrinology" PPT (3.6 M)

Dr. Cheng's "Diuretics and Kidney Disease" PPT (3.2 M)

Dr. Johnson's "Strong Ion Approach to pH Control" +
"Urinary System Clinical Cases (Large Animal)" PPT (36 M)

Dr. Senior's "Urinary System Clinical Cases (Small Animal)" PPT (7 M)
they are very important i will download it at once:thumb up::thumb up:
It's telling me page cannot be found when I click on each link :(
Can you repost please?