Pesticides - Recent Trends in Pesticide Residue Assay


Nov 13, 2010
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Palestine Large Animal Veterinarian
Edited by R.P. Soundararajan,
ISBN 978-953-51-0681-4,
272 pages,
Publisher: InTech © 2012


Growing population in the world demands increase in the food production and intense health care systems. Use of chemical pesticides is imperative for the management insects in agricultural and disease transmission, weeds and harmful microbes. Monitoring and estimating pesticide residue in crop plants, food, soil, water and other ecosystem has become significant in the recent concern on environment and ecosystem. The book comprises of new innovative trends to detect pesticide residue in crop plants, animal origin food and fishes. Different advanced extraction techniques of sample preparation for residue analysis are elaborately described. Apart from residue assays, metabolism and degradation of pesticide compounds fenamophos, chlorpyrifos, pirimiphos, heptachlor and organic pesticides are also documented. This book volume is of twelve chapters contributed by eminent scientists from eleven countries.


Preface IX
Section 1 Pesticide Residue 1

Chapter 1 Exposure to Pesticides in Tomato Crop Farmers in Merced, Colombia: Effects on Healthand the Environment 3
Chapter 2 Residue of DDT and HCH in Fish from Lakes and Rivers in the World 17
Chapter 3 Evaluation of Occupational and Vegetable Dietary Exposures to Current-Use AgriculturalPesticides in Ghana 45
Chapter 4 Pesticide Residue Analysis in Animal Origin Food: Procedure Proposal and Evaluation for Lipophilic Pesticides 63
Chapter 5 Removal of Organic Pollutant from Water by Modified Bentonite 93
Chapter 6 Removal of Residual Pesticides in Vegetables Using Ozone Microbubbles 103
Chapter 7 New Trends in Pesticide Residues Control and Their Impact on Soil Quality and Food Safety 119
Chapter 8 An Overview About Recent Advances in Sample Preparation Techniques for Pesticide
Residues Analysis in Cereals and Feedstuffs 149
Chapter 9 Recent Developments and Applications of Microextraction Techniques for the Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Fruits and Vegetables 171

Section 2 Metabolism of Pesticides 191

Chapter 10 Degradation of Fenamiphos, Chlorpyrifos and Pirimiphos-Methyl in the Aquatic Environment: A Proposed Enzymatic Kinetic Model That Takes Into Account Adsorption/Desorption of the Pesticide by Colloidaland Sediment Particles 193
Chapter 11 Heptachlor and Its Metabolite:Accumulation and Degradation in Sediment 217

Chapter 12 Biodegradation and Bioremediation of Organic Pesticides 253
