Physiology of Fish Eggs and Larvae


Nov 7, 2011
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International Congress on the Biology of Fish
Tropical Hotel Resort, Manaus Brazil, August 1-5, 2004

Copyright © 2004
Physiology Section,
American Fisheries Society
All rights reserved
International Standard Book Number(ISBN)

This publication is made up of a combination of extended abstracts and full papers, submitted by the authors without peer review. The papers in this volume should not be cited as primary literature. The Physiology Section of the American Fisheries Society offers this compilation of papers in the interests of information exchange only, and makes no claim as to the validity of the conclusions or recommendations presented in the papers.
For copies of these Symposium Proceedings, or the other 20 Proceedings in the Congress series,



Cellular events in Trichogaster trichopterus adenohypophysis during final oocyte maturation
K. Jackson, M. Abraham and G. Degani...............................................................
Influence of broodstock dietary fatty acids on egg lipid composition of the silver catfish
Renata Guimarães Moreira.....................................................................................
Evaluation of walleye Sander vitreus egg quality from different Lake Erie spawning stocks
J. Rinchard, K. Dabrowski, J.J. Van Tassell, E.A Marshall, and R.A. Stein...
Effect of water ionic content on the hardening process following fertilization of salmon eggs.
Don MacKinlay..........................................................................................................
Evidence for sodium pump and sodium – potassium - chloride cotransport in the river lamprey eggs: effects of transport and metabolic inhibitors
A. O. Sherstobitov .....................................................................................................
Effects of estradiol-17b on changes in synthesis and susceptibility in tilapia hepatocytes
Nozomi Sugama..........................................................................................................
Comparative analysis of eggshell morphology, physiology, and biochemistry in temperate and antarctic marine Teleosts.
Massimo Mazzini, Anna Maria Fausto, Simona Picchietti, Anna Rita Taddei and Giuseppe Scapigliati
Adaptive Variation in the Development and Thermal Tolerance of Arctic Char Eggs
Ross F. Tallman..........................................................................................................
Temperature regulated growth of Atlantic cod larvae in the ocean
Keith Levesque...........................................................................................................
Metabolism of salmon eggs in relation to temperature, egg size and species.
Don MacKinlay, Karin Howard and John Jensen..............................................
Metabolic rate of eggs and larvae of tambaqui, Colossoma macropomum, exposed to different temperatures
Cristian A. Castro-Pérez...........................................................................................
Frequency of early mortality syndrome in Lake Michigan lake trout population
Sergiusz Czesny, J. M. Dettmers, J. Rinchard, K. Dabrowski, K.J. Lee............
Biochemical, histological and behavioural aspects of visual function during early development of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)
Paulo S. M. Carvalho................................................................................................
Morphology of the early development of silver catfish, Rhamdia quelen, (Siluriforme,Pimelodidae) embryo and larvae
Lenise Vargas Flores da Silva.................................................................................
Early life history of the American conger eel (Conger oceanicus) as revealed by otolith microstructure and microchemistry of metamorphosing leptocephali
Alberto Teodorico Correia......................................................................................
Development of functional feeding in marine larval fish: connecting behaviour and physiology.
Kelly O’Brien-MacDonald and Joe Brown...........................................................
Development of the anterior portion of the pintado larvae (Pseudoplatystoma coruscans) digestive tract
Francisco Javier Hernandez-Blazquez..................................................................
Morphometry of larvae and juveniles of Roeboides paranensis (Osteichthyes) of the Paraná River, Brazil
Erika Neumann..........................................................................................................
Larval development of three tilapia strains: two of Oreochromis niloticus and one hybrid Oreochromis sp
Erika Neumann..........................................................................................................
Description of the gut of larvae and juveniles of Roeboides paranensis (Osteichthyes) on the Paraná River, Brazil
Erika Neumann..........................................................................................................
Allometry and analysis of morphometric variation during the development of three tilapia strains
Erika Neumann..........................................................................................................
Environmental forcing of the feeding performance of larval Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the southern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada.
Dominique Robert......................................................................................................
Threat-sensitive foraging in larval shorthorn sculpin (Myoxocephalus scorpius) throughout early development and its dependence on metabolism
S. S. Killen, A. K. Gamperl, and J. A. Brown.........................................................
The importance of protozoan prey in the diet of larval fish in coastal areas of the Irish Sea.
G.M. Figueiredo, D.J.S. Montagnes and R.D.M. Nash........................................
Problems in the identification of Sebastes larvae collected off Baja California
Patricia A. Jiménez-Rosenberg, R Saldierna-Martínez and E González-Navarro
Sperm storage of a Brazilian teleost fish piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus): extenders and sperm motility activators
A.T.M. Viveiros, A.N.Maria, L.D.S. Murgas, G.F. Morais, A.V. Oliveira..........

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