Pigeon Racing: Handling, health, keeping, housing, breeding, racing, and training


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Pigeon Racing: Handling, health, keeping, housing, breeding, racing, and training. Facts & Information
by Lolly Brown

Pages: 140
Publisher: ---
Edition: 1st ed., 2015
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1941070302
ISBN-13: 978-1941070307


Pigeons and man enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship dating back to Ancient Egypt and beyond. The birds have served their human keepers as messengers, companions, and extraordinary athletes. They have delivered messages that turned the tide of financial affairs and diverted the course of war. Some birds have even been decorated for their battlefield heroism.
Pigeon racing calls upon the birds' remarkable homing abilities, speed, and endurance. These impressive abilities are refined through selective breeding and progressive training programs that become a consuming pastime for pigeon "fanciers."
Pigeon Racing offers a broad-based introduction to pigeon husbandry, health, breeding, and competition for the novice enthusiast. Written in plain English, the text asks the central question, "Is pigeon racing the sport for you?" and provides all the necessary information for the reader to arrive at an answer.
If the decision is yes, the newcomer will enter a fascinating world that calls for the cultivation of a real partnership with highly intelligent living creatures. In part, pigeons return to their lofts because they love their homes and their caretakers.
The text includes information on loft design and outfitting, common health problems, and basic training. It explores race formats and administration and explains the intricacies of timing. The extensive glossary serves as an introduction to the pigeon-racing vernacular.
