Poultry Disease Diagnosis Program

ya its really helpful for the poultry raisers as well as for the beginners
It's very good program for poultry vet specialists. but this program not contents enough pictures or it not working right
I don't know if this is what you are looking for.

http://www.springer.com/life+sciences/entomology/book/978-90-481-2730-6 - Book Control of Poultry Mites (Dermanyssus), Reprinted from EXPERIMENTAL AND APPLIED ACAROLOGY, 48:1-2
2009, VI, 182 p. – it is possible to read it online.
[h=1][/h]http://www.thepoultrysite.com/publications/6/Diseases_Of_Poultry - very useful about diseases of poultry.

http://netvet.wustl.edu/birds.htm - list of links for birds and poultry.

http://www.aphis.usda.gov/animal_health/birdbiosecurity/resources/ - list of resources/links regarding poultry from the US animal and health inspection section.

http://www.vetmed.ucdavis.edu/vetext/PO-Progs.html - Poultry Biosecurity Resource Forum: ideas to improve biosecurity on poultry ranches.
Additional information on biosecurity and sanitation-disinfection basics for poultry flocks, such as preventing avian influenza in small flocks, and the Avian Influenza Fact Sheet is available in the Fact Sheets & Info/Poultry section.
http://animalsciences.missouri.edu/reprod/Notes/poultry/index.htm Reproduction in poultry, with color fotos.
http://animalsciences.missouri.edu/reprod/AnatomyFemale/poultry/index.htm – poultry, female reproduction.
http://www.extension.umn.edu/Poultry/ - uni of Minnesota, poultry production and health

http://ag.ansc.purdue.edu/poultry/links.htm extensive list of links from Purdue
http://poultryextension.psu.edu/ - from Penn state.
http://urbanext.illinois.edu/eggs/res00-index.html – incubation and embryology.