Request Preferred Medical Protocols (canine and feline medicine)


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Jun 4, 2011
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United States Veterinary Intern-Resident
Full book title (= title of the thread ) :
Preferred Medical Protocols
WORKBOOK AND CD-ROMAuthor(s) or Editor(s) :
Johnny D. Hoskins, DVM, PhD, Dipl ACVIM


Edition :

Pub date:

ISBN-10: and/or ISBN-13:
Link to the ebook version of the book :

Treating all animals according to consistent guidelines each and every time they come to the veterinary practice is the gold standard. This book allows all team members in the practice to have a basic understanding of how each case is being handled and helps ensure care is always at the level targeted by the veterinary practice. With an emphasis on quality medicine, Preferred Medical Protocols can be a tremendous aid in formulating standardized diagnostic and therapeutic protocols for the more common conditions seen in small animal veterinary practices. Developing preferred protocols for a practice is valuable both for increasing communication between staff members and introducing staff members to the practice culture.This book replaces First Choice Medical Protocols.
  • [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]New to this edition:[/FONT]
  • Complete cardiac formulary
  • Current management of hyperadrenocorticism
  • New drugs for use in clinical practice
  • Current recommendation for management of hypertension
  • Management of of urinary bladder tumors
  • Overall update of clinical management
  • Developing standardized protocols for a practice is especially valuable for increasing communication between staff members and introducing new staff members to the practice culture. First choice Medical Protocols can be a tremendous aid in formulating standardized diagnostic and therapeutic protocols for the more common conditions seen in small animal practice.
  • Consistent diagnostic and treatment protocols with clinical decision trees, plus client instructions and important reminders. Mark up the workbook and then customize MS Word documents to your exact needs. Print out customized protocols for every member of your practice team to learn and follow.
    • Helps you provide consistent and quality care.
    • Addresses more than 130 of the most common canine and feline conditions.
    • Offers ideas on history and physical examination; laboratory confirmation;case management; client communication; and recheck methods and time tables.
    • Indludes drug contraindications and realistic prognoses
    • Utilizes decision trees which walk you through clinical signs systems by system using standards of common care.
    • includes protocols on CD-ROM which allows you to edit them for your own use
Table of Contents​
Chapter 1: General Protocol
Chapter 2: Pharmacy and Standard Examination Room Procedures
Chapter 3: Case Management of Common Conditions in Dogs and Cats
Chapter 4: Diagnostics: Clinical Decision Tree
Chapter 5: Standard Procedures

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