Quantitative Parasitology 3.0


Nov 13, 2010
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Palestine Large Animal Veterinarian
Quantitative Parasitology 3.0

This parasitology software provides statistically correct ways to analyse the highly aggregated (right-skewed) frequency distributions exhibited by parasites. QP3.0 is recommended to describe parasitic infections within a sample of hosts and to compare parasitic infections across different samples of hosts.

QP3.0 is free for distribution and use in education and science.

How to run

Runs under Windows. After download, unzip the file and find a folder named 'QP30'. Do not remove the files from the folder. Within this folder, you just

• right click (i.e. use the right mouse button to click) the file named '_qp30.exe'

• then select 'run as administrator'.

In Windows versions earlier than Vista (<2003) no need for right click; you just click and run '_qp30.exe'.

No Mac version is available.

Statistical tools available in QP3.0

1. To describe parasitic infection of a single sample of hosts:

Descriptive statistics (N hosts, prevalence, mean & median intensity, variance/mean),

Two alternatives to calculate an exact confidence interval for the prevalence

Clopper - Pearson method (this is more traditional),

Sterne or Wald method (this is more advanced),

Bootstrap (BCa) confidence interval for the mean intensity,

Exact confidence interval for the median intensity,

Bootstrap (BCa) confidence interval for the mean abundance,

Bootstrap (BCa) confidence interval for the mean crowding,

Aggregation indices (variance/mean, index of discrepancy, and k of the negative binomial),

2. To compare parasitic infections between two samples of hosts:

Descriptive statistics (N hosts, prevalence, mean & median intensity, variance/mean),

Two alternatives to compare prevalences:

Chi-square Test (this is a more traditional way),

Fisher's Exact Test (this is a better alternative),

Unconditional Test (most advanced)

Bootstrap t-Test to compare Mean Intensities,

Mood’s Median Test to compare Median Intensities,

Stochastic equality of intensity distributions ,

Bootstrap t-Test to compare Mean Abundances,

Comparison of Mean Crowding ,

3. To compare parasitic infections among samples of hosts:

Descriptive statistics (N hosts, prevalence, mean & median intensity, variance/mean),

Two alternatives to compare prevalences:

Chi-square Test to compare Prevalences (this is a more traditional way),

Fisher's Exact Test to compare Prevalences (this is a better alternative),

Mood’s Median Test to compare Median Intensities.
