Request Redefining Mineral Nutrition


Dec 12, 2009
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Chile Large Animal Veterinarian
Redefining Mineral Nutrition

Lucy Tucker & Julie Pickard
  • Paperback: 296 pages
  • Publisher: Nottingham University Press (January 1, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1904761305
  • ISBN-13: 978-1904761303
Featuring papers from some of the world's leading authorities, the aim of this volume is to re-examine the current status of mineral recommendations and to look at how minerals are applied in feeds for poultry, pigs and ruminants. Re-Defining Mineral Nutrition is aimed at nutritionists and animal producers as well as students and researchers studying animal and applied biological sciences.

It also considers the effects of new legislation and pollution concerns, and discusses innovative applications of minerals in animal feeds that will help to maintain performance and health within stricter guidelines. Finally, it also covers the role of minerals in various aspects of growth, nutrition, immunity and health.

  • NRC - did we get it right?
  • Minerals, disease and immune function
  • Lessons in human mineral nutrition: what can we learn?
  • Minerals and antioxidants
  • Novel approaches to maximising profitable meat production
  • Eggs to chicks: optimising hen performance
  • NRC recommendations: were we right?
  • Trace minerals: what the textbooks don't tell you o Feeding the sow and piglet for maximum antioxidant and immunity
  • Piglet diets: can we do without zinc oxide and copper sulphate?
  • Role of organic minerals in modern pig production
  • The role of peptides in absorption pathways
  • Fertility: why is it declining and can trace minerals reverse this trend?
  • Mastitis and milk quality: do organic copper and zinc improve mammalian health?
  • Milk, selenium and health
  • Dairy farming in the EU: does it have a future?
  • Index

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