DZIUK, H. E. and E. A. USENIK. Intestinal
intussusception in a cow. J. Am. vet. med.
Ass. 145: 348-351. 1964.
PEARSON, H. Intussusception in cattle. Vet.
Rec. 89: 426-437. 1971.
BOSSHART, J. K. Telescoped intestines in
cattle. Cornell Vet. 20: 55-58. 1930.
Intestinal obstruction in cattle H Pearson, PJ Pinsent
Veterinary Record 1977;101:9 162-166
The treatment of surgical disorders of the bovine abdomen H Pearson
Veterinary Record 1973;92:10 245-254
intussusception in a cow. J. Am. vet. med.
Ass. 145: 348-351. 1964.
PEARSON, H. Intussusception in cattle. Vet.
Rec. 89: 426-437. 1971.
BOSSHART, J. K. Telescoped intestines in
cattle. Cornell Vet. 20: 55-58. 1930.
Intestinal obstruction in cattle H Pearson, PJ Pinsent
Veterinary Record 1977;101:9 162-166
The treatment of surgical disorders of the bovine abdomen H Pearson
Veterinary Record 1973;92:10 245-254
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