Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment 2012


Nov 13, 2010
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Palestine Large Animal Veterinarian
Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment
Sandra E. Shumway (Editor)


ISBN: 978-0-8138-1413-1
528 pages,
October 2011,

Book Description

Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment focuses primarily on the issues surrounding environmental sustainability of shellfish aquaculture. The chapters in this book provide readers with the most current data available on topics such as resource enhancement and habitat restoration. Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment is also an invaluable resource for those looking to develop and implement environmental best management practices. Edited one of the world's leading shellfish researchers and with contributions from around the world, Shellfish Aquaculture and the Environment is the definitive source of information for this increasingly important topic.

Table of Contents

Preface xv
1 The role of shellfish farms in provision of ecosystem goods and services 3
Introduction 3

Methods of study 6
Ecosystem goods: biomass production 13
Ecosystem services: environmental quality 17
Literature cited 26
2 Shellfish aquaculture and the environment: an industry perspective 33
Introduction 33

Shellfish farmers and harvesters history of water quality
protection and stewardship roles 35
BMPs, the shellfish industry, and the role of available research 42
Conclusion 48
Literature cited 48
3 Molluscan shellfish aquaculture and best management practices 51
Introduction 51
Ecosystem change and shellfish aquaculture 53
Classifi cation of impacts 53
BMPs 54
Assurance labeling 64
Pressures to participate in certifi cation programs 65
Perspectives on ecolabeling 67
Aquaculture certifi cation programs 68
Critique of bivalve shellfish ecolabeling efforts in the
United States 70
Criticisms of certifi cation programs 73
Towards more meaningful labeling 75
Concluding remarks 77
Literature cited 78
4 Bivalve filter feeding: variability and limits of the aquaculture biofilter 81
Introduction 81

Constraints on maximum feeding activity 82
Shellfi sh feeding in nature 85
Emerging knowledge on ecosystem interactions with the bivalve biofilter 109
Conclusions 111
Literature cited 113
5 Trophic interactions between phytoplankton and bivalve aquaculture 125
The interdependence of bivalves and phytoplankton 125

Bivalve population density: farmed bivalves are naturally gregarious 127
Bivalves as consumers and cultivators of phytoplankton 127
Summary and prospects 130
Acknowledgments 131
Literature cited 131
6 The application of dynamic modeling to prediction of production carrying capacity in shellfi sh farming 135
Physical oceanographic models 139

Filtration and seston depletion 140
Single-box models 140
Higher-order models 142
Fully spatial models 143
Population-based models 145
Local models 146
Optimization 147
Application to management 148
Modeling environmental impact 149
Sustainability and ecosystem-based management 150
Literature cited 151
7 Bivalve shellfi sh aquaculture and eutrophication 155
Summary 155

Introduction 156
Most commonly reported: localized changes associated with shellfi sh aquaculture 158
Interpretations from an ecosystem approach 179
Modeling efforts to assess relationships between bivalve aquaculture and eutrophication 187
Eutrophication of coastal waters from land-based nutrients 192
Ecological and economic benefit of bivalve aquaculture in combating eutrophication 195
Conclusions 200
Literature cited 201
8 Mussel farming as a tool for re-eutrophication of coastal waters: experiences from Sweden 217
Introduction 217

Mussel farming: open landscape feeding in the sea 217
Estimating the environmental value of mussel farming 219
Trading nutrient discharges 222
Agricultural environmental aid program and mussel farming 224
Added ecosystem services through mussel farming 226
The city of lysekil, the first buyer of a nutrient emission quota 226
Swedish mussel farming and its markets 227
Mussel meal instead of fish meal in organic feeds 229
Mussel meal in feeds for organic poultry 230
The use of the mussel remainder as fertilizer and biogas production 232
Risk assessment of mussels for seafood, feed, and fertilizer 233
Conclusions of the Swedish experience 234
Literature cited 235
9 Expanding shellfi sh aquaculture: a review of the ecological services provided by and impacts of native and cultured bivalves in shellfi sh-dominated ecosystems 239
Introduction 239

Aquaculture-based systems 249
Remaining questions 272
Literature cited 274
10 Bivalves as bioturbators and bioirrigators 297
Bivalves are key species in soft-sediment habitats 297

What are bioturbation and bioirrigation? 298
How do healthy soft-sediment bivalve populations affect their surroundings? 303
Summary 311
Literature cited 312
11 Environmental impacts related to mechanical harvest of cultured shellfi sh 319
Introduction 319

Literature review 320
Experimental design 329
Conclusions 334
Acknowledgments 335
Literature cited 335
12 Genetics of shellfish on a human-dominated planet 339
Introduction 339

Domestication of shellfish 341
Conservation 347
Conclusions 352
Literature cited 352
13 Shellfi sh diseases and health management 359
Shellfish health management and infectious disease prevention 359

Interactions of bivalve shellfish and parasites with the natural environment 360
Interactions of hosts and disease agents within the aquaculture environment 367
Solutions: 1. Shellfish aquaculture development and health management 370
Solutions: 2. Implementing health management for shellfish aquaculture 377
Summary 385
Literature cited 386
14 Marine invaders and bivalve aquaculture: sources, impacts, and consequences 395
Introduction 395

Introduced shellfish from aquaculture 397
Species moved with aquaculture 406
Introduced species that impact aquaculture 407
Recommendations for minimizing spread and impacts of introductions 412
Future needs 415
Acknowledgments 415
Literature cited 416
15 Balancing economic development and conservation of living marine resources and habitats: the role of resource managers 425
Introduction 425

Regulatory framework for shellfi sh aquaculture in the United States 429
Environmental best management practices (BMPs) 440
Environmental marketing and other incentive programs 440
Conclusions 442
Literature cited 443
16 Education 447
Skills 447

Aquaculture-related disciplines 449
K-12 education 451
Undergraduate degree programs 452
Graduate degree programs 453
4-H and youth programs 454
Extension programs 455
Technology transfer 457
Conclusion 458
Literature cited 459
17 The implications of global climate change for molluscan aquaculture 461
Introduction 461

Climate change in the oceans and coastal zones 462
The effects of climate change on shellfish aquaculture systems 467
Adapting shellfish farming to climate change impacts 478
Shellfish aquaculture and climate change mitigation 482
Conclusion 484
Acknowledgments 485
Literature cited 485
Index 491

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