Request Small animal surgery FOSSUm 4 TH edition


Mar 21, 2009
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Pet Owner
4th ed., 1619 pages, 1550 ill., Elsevier, September 2012

DescriptionThe fourth edition of Small Animal Surgery serves as a one-stop resource for authoritative information on all aspects of small animal surgery. Coverage includes basic procedures such as spays, castrations, and declaws, as well as more advanced surgeries like craniotomy, ventral slots, and lung lobectomy. New contributors bring a fresh perspective and discuss the latest advances in key areas such as imaging modalities, regenerative medicine, minimally invasive surgery, and neurology. Access to a companion website provides a fully searchable version of the book, bi-monthly content updates, videos, aftercare instructions, case presentations, and a fracture planner.

  • A new chapter on neurologic examination provides a solid foundation in neuroanatomy, electro-diagnostics, and basic MRI physics and principles, enabling you to perform a proper neurologic exam to detect problems in cats and dogs, some of which can be corrected via surgical repair.
  • A new chapter on regenerative medicine provides the most current information on stem cell research.
  • Differential diagnosis tables and boxes offer quick access to vital information, including how to avoid misdiagnosis of disorders that may mimic more commonly encountered surgical neurologic problems that are not actual disorders requiring surgical repair.