Small Mammals: Self-Assessment Color Review, 1e (1997)


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Mar 17, 2009
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Iran Large Animal Veterinarian
Self-Assessment Colour Review of Small Mammals


Susan A. Brown
Midwest Bird & Exotic Animal Hospital
Westchester, Illinois

Karen L. Rosenthal
MS, DVM, Dipl ABVP Avian
The Animal Medical Center
New York, New York

Pages: 192
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Edition: 1991
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0813820927


Small mammal veterinary medicine has greatly expanded in its breadth of knowledge over
the past ten years. During the same period, people owning pets such as rabbits, ferrets and rodents have demanded a higher quality of medical care than was formerly expected.
These two factors have forced veterinarians to seek out sources of information about these species. Until recently, it has been difficult to obtain accurate, current, non-anecdotal written material on small mammals.
To aid veterinarians in their quest for information, we offer this text in a self-assessment format which challenges readers to use their clinical knowledge on a variety of species. We have assembled an international collection of distinguished colleagues that have contributed cases which range from basic to advanced. Therefore, this book can be
used by veterinarians with a wide range of clinical experience.The format is a question followed by its detailed answer on the next page. We have strived to construct every question and answer to ‘stand alone’ and not rely on information provided in other cases. The topics consist of case reports, clinical techniques,anatomy and husbandry. We have tailored the number of questions per species to reflect the frequency in which these species are seen in practice. As such, rabbits, ferrets and guinea pigs constitute the largest numbers of cases in the book.
A unique aspect of this book is that most questions are illustrated with a photograph,
radiograph or diagram to aid in understanding a concept. Most case report answers include differential diagnoses to enable veterinarians to reason beyond the the scope of
particular questions. Unlike many other small mammal texts, this is a very practical book
with detailed solutions that allow veterinarians to put into use the information they have
just read.

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