Stages of Anesthesia, Types of Anesthesia in Animals

What is the resource where this extracted paper comes from???
actually i complied it from different books in library when i was doing DVM,
Good to know, thanks!

I think it is always better to give generally more background informations, so that the reader can compare different elaborations.
please help

i am unable to download. when i try to click on "thankyou " button no link is showing where as those in other posts does.

please help me how to download the information.

Dr pundari
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Dr pundari link is working fine checked it again for you, try it again using mozilla firefox browser
[SIZE=-1]Anesthesia is a state of unconsciousness induced in an animal. The three components of anesthesia are analgesia (pain relief), amnesia (loss of memory) and immobilization. The drugs used to achieve anesthesia usually have varying effects in each of these areas. Some drugs may be used individually to achieve all three. Others have only analgesic or sedative properties and may be used individually for these purposes or in combination with other drugs to achieve full anesthesia. [/SIZE]

The process for administering anesthesia is unique for every animal. [SIZE=-1]Following sites are very informative on which [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]anesthesia should be given to animals [/SIZE][SIZE=-1]and how.
