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[TABLE="class: price"]
[TD="class: priceL"]Publisher[/TD]
[TD="class: priceR, colspan: 2"]Narendra Publishing House[/TD]
[TD="class: priceL"]Published In[/TD]
[TD="class: priceR, colspan: 2"]2003[/TD]
[TD="class: priceL"]Binding[/TD]
[TD="class: priceR, colspan: 2"]Hardback[/TD]
[TD="class: priceL"]Weight[/TD]
[TD="class: priceR, colspan: 2"]1.24 lbs[/TD]
[TD="class: priceL"]Biblio[/TD]
[TD="class: priceR, colspan: 2"]239 Pages, Illustrations (Partly Col.), Index, Bibliography, Acknowledgements[/TD]
The main Purpose for Writing a Textbook of Fish Immunology is to assemble the widely scattered information under one cover so that fish culturists can survey the Experiments and accomplishments to date and see how they relate to one another. Immunology is one of the most rapidly developing sciences. For a long time there was no agreement on the immune capability of Fishes because some of the investigators did not take Temperature and time factors under consideration. The immune response, as all other Physiological processes in fishes, is temperature dependent. Another important characteristic of fish immunology is that, in contrast to humans and Domestic animals, immunization of fishes against Diseases still has very limited application, Recent discoveries in the areas of factors controlling lymphocytes and resultant antibody production and the developments in the field of transplantation reactions, promise to be fundamental in bringing under control Disease Pathogens and Cancer in man and animals.
Immunization of fishes by injectable vaccines is effective but not yet practical on a Large scale. For this reason the effort is centered on development of Oral immunization. Now it is possible, by oral immunization, to significantly increase immunity of fishes to certain Bacterial diseases such as vibriosis, columnaris, furunculosis, and Red mouth. Serologic methods in disease Diagnosis are of utmost Importance in human and Veterinary medicine. During the past decade immune diagnosis of fish diseases caused by Bacteria and viruses became a reality. The Demand for cleaner aquatic Environments and more efficient and productive hatchery systems has created a need for better fish culture techniques.
The subject of immunology of fishes, draws on these and many other fields. This book contains information on the practical aspects of fish immunology. This book is for people who are familiar with basic immunology, fish biology, and fish diseases, and wish to find out what significance and practical value fish immunology has for diagnosis and control of diseases of fishes. Fishery biologists, ornamental fish farmers, catfish and baitfish producers, veterinarians, Academic Scientific personnel, and graduate and undergraduate students will find ideas and sources for applying the developments of immunology of fishes to their area of particular interest. Thus, further specialization even in this fairly recently developed field is common. The Author is particularly interested in gram-negative bacterial fish diseases, their virulence, and how the fishes' immune response can be programmed to fend off these invaders.
Chap. I : Immunology AND THE Study OF Fish Diseases :
1. Terminology and Concepts
2. Vaccine Programs
3. Application to the Fishery Resource :
i. Commercial Fishery
ii. Sport Fishery
iii. Fish Hobbyists
4. Background and History of Immunology
5. Human and Veterinary Medicine
6. Fish Health
7. Diagnosis of Diseases
8. Treatment of Diseases
9. Genetic and Racial Studies
Chap. II : THE FISH'S Mechanisms FOR Disease PROTECTION :
1. Infection
2. Fish-pathogen Interactions
3. Sampling the Disease State
4. Serology :
i. Antibody
ii. Complement
iii. Other Serum Factors
5. Hematology :
i. Erythrocytes
ii. Thrombocytes
iii. Lymphocytes
iv. Macrophages
v. Polymorpnonuclear Leucocytes
6. Nonspecific Defenses
7. Species Vulnerability (Refractory Species)
8. Protective Barriers of the Skin :
i. Mucus
ii. Scales
iii. Epidermis
iv. Dermis
9. Inflammation
10. The Specific Defense
11. Organs Involved in the Immune Response :
i. Anterior Kidney
ii. Spleen
iii. Thymus
12. Mechanisms of Antigen Stimulation and Resultant Antibody Production
13. Mechanisms of Action Against Antigens
14. Immunological Complications
15. Environmental Influences on Antibody Production :
i. Temperature
ii. Pollution
1. History
2. Terminology
3. Invertebrates
4. Representative Fish Groups :
i. Aignatha : Hagfishes and Lampreys
ii. Cnondrichthyes : Sharks and Rays
iii. Ganoidei : Gars and Paddlefishes
iv. Teleostei : Trouts, Carp and other Higher Fishes
1. Preparing for Experiments
2. Standardization
3. Anesthetics
4. Procedures in Immunization
5. Inoculation :
i. Preparations
ii. Schedules
iii. Routes :
a. Subcutaneous
b. Intraperitoneal
c. Intramuscular
6. Oral Immunization :
i. Preparations
ii. Schedules
7. Obtaining Blood from Fish :
i. Caudal Cut
ii. Heart Puncture
iii. Dorsal Aorta Puncture (Posterior)
8. Quantitating Antibody
9. Serum Antibody Tests :
i. Agglutination
ii. Hemagglutination
iii. Precipitin
iv. Immunoelectrophoresis
v. Immunofluorescence
vi. Neutralization
vii. Complement Fixation and Other Methods
10. Cellular Antibody Tests :
i. Rosette (Immunocytoadherence)
ii. Jerne Plaque
11. In Vivo Tests for Protection :
i. Methods of Artificial Exposure
ii. Methods of Natural Exposure
1. Viral Diseases of Fish :
i. Detection and Isolation of Viral Antigens
ii. Prevention of Viral Diseases in Fish by Immunization
iii. Immunological Techniques in Specific Viral Fish Diseases :
a. Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis (IPN)
b. Infectious Hematopoietic Necrosis (IHN)
c. Egtved, Viral Hemorrhagic Septicemia (VHS)
d. Other Fish Viruses
2. Bacterial Diseases of Fish :
i. Detection and Isolation of Bacterial Antigens
ii. Prevention of Bacterial Diseases in Fish by Immunization :
iii. Immunological Techniques in Specific Bacterial Fish Diseases
a. Aeromonads and Pseudomonads
b. Aeromonas Salmonicida(Furunculosis)
c. Vibrio Anguillarum (Vibriosis)
d. Hagerman Redmouth (HRM)
e. Corynebacterium sp. (Bacterial Kidney Disease)
f. Chondrococcus Columnaris
3. Protozoan Diseases of Fish :
i. Detection and Isolation of Protozoan Antigens
ii. Prevention of Protozoan Diseases in Fish by Immunization
iii. Immunological Techniques in Specific Protozoan Fish Diseases
iv. External Protozoan Infections
v. Internal Protozoan Infections
4. Other Parasites
5. Neoplasms (Tumors)
Further at: http://www.printsasia.com/book/Textbook-of-Fish-Immunology-Diseases-of-Fishes-Douglas-P-Anderson