The 4 H Horse Proyect

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Jan 26, 2010
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Venezuela Small Animal Veterinarian
The 4 H Horse Proyect
by A Pacific Northwest Extension


Pages: 150
Publisher: --
Edition: 1st., 2006
Language: English
ISBN: --


Many people, young and old, are discovering the satisfaction and pleasure that horses can bring them. The 4-H Horse Project can be an exciting and worthwhile experience for both you and your horse. To be a 4-H Horse Club member, you must first enroll in 4-H in your county.
In addition to the 4-H goals for youth, the 4-H Horse Project has six main objectives:
1. Learn to know and select a good saddle horse
2. Learn to care for horses properly
3. Learn to ride
4. Learn to train and handle horses
5. Acquire a broad equine knowledge base
6. Enjoy a healthy outdoor recreational activity
A 4-H Horse Project animal may be a horse, pony, mule, or donkey, which you may ride, drive, or train. Stallions over 12 months of age are not allowed as a 4‑H project. 4-H uses the industry standard of January 1 as a horse’s birthdate to determine age.

Through the 4-H Horse Project, you can increase your knowledge and improve your horsemanship skills by learning basic handling principles.
In the 4-H Horse Project, you are expected to learn about your own horse, and horse breeds, safety, body colors, health, markings, care and how to determine a horse’s age. In addition, you will learn about shelter, grooming, training, judging, equipment, saddling and bridling, basic horsemanship and showing techniques.
A good horsewoman or horseman trains herself or himself in addition to training horses. You will develop respect for your horse, responsibility in caring for your horse and discipline in the way you handle horses. You also will develop patience in training, neatness in your own and your horse’s appearance, and pride in yourself.
