The Glass Horse Old Version (Equine GIT)

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Feb 6, 2009
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Germany Small Animal Veterinarian
The Glass Horse

Product Description:
A comprehensive exploration of equine abdominal anatomy, the veterinarian's approach to diagnosis, and detailed 3-D animations depicting 11 diseases. Interactivity and self-assessment features are stong components of this program.



This is an older version

the Newer version

The Equine Colic CD

is better


older version better than none.

Installation Directions (Very Important-Must Read):

STEP 1: Download ''.
- Direct Link-->

STEP 2: Unzip/Extract '' to your desktop folder.
- you should now have a folder called 'GlassHorse' on your desktop.

STEP 3: Burn the Contents of the folder (NOT THE WHOLE FOLDER) onto a blank CD-R using 'Data mode' (NB. If Using Nero Don't Mind, as it is its Default) of your burning software.
- There should be TWO files to burn ('setup.exe' and 'install.txt'.)

- You'll need the CD with you at runtime. This means in order for you to use the software you will need to have the CD inserted in the drive before starting.

- If you have already installed, and you are still prompted to install the software evertime that you insert the disk, cancel and click the GlassHorse shortcut on your desktop (from the original installation.)

Enjoy !!! :love:

it doesn`t work on vista....

I changed the compatibility before installing (like is written on the web somewhere)
but it still doesn`t open becouse of Macromedia Projector

I tried also on other PC with Win XP but there it seems is wrong someting else
and it doesn`t want to open either - it does install but not open

A little feedback about how this thing works on your PC, please​
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it doesn`t work on vista....

I changed the compatibility before installing (like is written on the web somewhere)
but it still doesn`t open becouse of Macromedia Projector

I tried also on other PC with Win XP but there it seems is wrong someting else
and it doesn`t want to open either - it does install but not open

A little feedback about how this thing works on your PC, please​

I will tried but I have vista (very problematic system) probably doesn´t work as Saraajka mentioned, may bassoto can do somethig I thing he works on pc stuffs
I will tried but I have vista (very problematic system) probably doesn´t work as Saraajka mentioned, may bassoto can do somethig I thing he works on pc stuffs

Another option could be (if Dr.Stator have the CD) make a image of the disk (with ISO, Alcohol 120, NERO or another program) and try to run it in a virtual unit with WIN ISO, POWER ISO or another one
It work with me smoothly (WinXP-sp3-updated)
I don't know that kind of problem you have
Try to download last version of flash palyer ...