The Pathological Protein: Mad Cow, Chronic Wasting, and Other Deadly Prion Diseases


Feb 7, 2009
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Serbia Small Animal Veterinarian
The Pathological Protein
by Philip Yam

Pub. Date: April 2003
Publisher: Springer-Verlag New York, LLC
Format: Hardcover, 308pp
ISBN-13: 9780387955087
ISBN: 0387955089
Edition Number: 1


This is a thorough history of prion diseases from both a historic and scientific aspect, the role it has had on society, and where the world stands now on treatment and prevention of certain prion diseases.
The book is written for a general audience and is not necessarily targeted specifically to those in the medical field, according to the author. The author is a editor for Scientific American and he appears to have done extensive research.
The book discusses the history of prion disease, both from a historical standpoint and the science behind discovering the prion. He also discusses the effect it has had on the public, what diseases prions are associated with, how to control prion disease and possible treatments. The book is easy to read, and the author relates specific stories about people affected by prion diseases, which makes the book more interesting. The few diagrams that are used are simplistic and easy for the lay person to understand.
This is an excellent book for the person who has a broad interest in priondiseases. It is well written and informative. I was impressed with the quality of the book and how easy it is to read. I am not sure how useful it is for the general neurologist as the diseases are incredibly rare and most likely physicians will not see many, if any, cases. For easy, light reading I would recommend it to both physicians and lay people.

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