Unusual Pet Care


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Oct 24, 2010
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Taiwan Exotics Veterinarian
Unusual Pet Care - Volume I PDF

• Full-color veterinary reference on common unusual companion pets including: Rabbits, Ferrets, Hamsters, Rats, Gerbils, Chinchillas, Degus, Box turtles, Skunks, Chameleons, Leopard geckos, Ball pythons, Nonhuman primates, Nile monitors, Giant spiders, Virginia opossums, Fennec foxes, Swans, Pionus parrots and Canaries. • Each section includes husbandry guidelines and species orientation: Vital statistics, Behavior, Anatomy, Physical examination, Sexing and reproduction, Housing, Diet, Restraint, Blood collection, Injection sites, Hematologic and biochemistry reference values, Most common disorders, Zoonotic potential and Formularies.
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Unusual Pet Care - Volume II PDF
• Full-color veterinary reference on common unusual companion pets including: Hedgehogs, Red-eared sliders, Bearded dragons, Mice, Spiny-tailed lizards, Coatimundis, Kinkajous, Raccoons, Chipmunks, Brushtail possums, Meerkats, Patagonian cavies, Two-toed sloths, Domestic ducks, Mynahs, Turacos, Gila monsters, Chuckwallas, Blue-tongued skinks, Basilisk lizards, Day geckos, Crested geckos, Eastern tiger salamanders, Madagascar hissing cockroaches, Hermit crabs and Poison arrow frogs.
• Each section includes husbandry guidelines and species orientation: Vital statistics, Behavior, Anatomy, Physical examination, Sexing and reproduction, Housing, Diet, Restraint, Blood collection, Injection sites, Hematologic and biochemistry reference values, Most common disorders, Zoonotic potential and Formularies.
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Unusual Pet Care - Volume III PDF

• Full-color veterinary reference on common unusual companion pets including: Guinea pigs, African naked mole rats, Shrews, Ring-tailed possums, Richardson’s ground squirrels, Flying squirrels, Bennett’s wallabies, Ring-tailed lemurs, Servals, Ocelots, Jackson’s chameleons, Green anoles, Frilled lizards, African fat-tailed geckos, Tegus, Solomon Island prehensile-tailed skinks, Savannah and white-throated monitor lizards, Leopard tortoises, Hermann’s tortoises, Horsfield’s tortoises, Spiny softshell turtles, Milk snakes, Green tree pythons, Oriental fire-bellied toads, White’s tree frogs, Tomato frogs, African clawed frogs, Betta fish, Oscar fish, Pigeons, Japanese quail, American crows, Mandarin ducks and Emperor scorpions.
• Each section includes husbandry guidelines and species orientation: Vital statistics, Behavior, Anatomy, Physical examination, Sexing and reproduction, Housing, Diet, Restraint, Blood collection, Injection sites, Hematologic and biochemistry reference values, Most common disorders, Zoonotic potential and Formularies (guinea pig only).

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I just downloaded Vol. III

But I am wondering what the source of this publication is, how shall it be professionally cited?


The source is clear, but how shall it be named?


Any suggestions?


"Oscar Fish"
"Unusual Pet Care - Vol. III"
Zoological Education Network, Inc., 2009
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Unusual Pet Care - Volume IV PDF

• Full-color veterinary reference on common unusual companion pets including 23 species: Sugar gliders, Pygmy goats, Llamas, Deer, Miniature pigs, Genets, Capybaras, Bushbabys, Corn snakes, Blood pythons, Boa constrictors, Horned frogs, Alligator snapping turtles, Mud turtles, Koi, Seahorses, Axolotls, Mudpuppies, Ornamental geese, Chickens, Peafowl, Eclectus parrots and Toco toucans.
• Each section includes husbandry guidelines and species orientation: Vital statistics, Behavior, Anatomy, Physical examination, Sexing and reproduction, Housing, Diet, Restraint, Blood collection, Injection sites, Most common disorders, Zoonotic potential and References.

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