Urban Aquaculture


Nov 3, 2009
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Belgium Small Animal Veterinarian


Edited by B A Costa-Pierce, Department of Fisheries, Animal and Veterinary Science, and Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program, University of Rhode Island, USA, A Desbonnet, Rhode Island Sea Grant College Program, University of Rhode Island, USA, P Edwards, Agricultural and Aquatic Systems Program, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, D Baker, New York Sea Grant, Cornell University, USA
June 2005 / Hardback / 304 Pages / 9780851998299

Fishery products are the world's most important source of animal protein, especially for the poor. Meeting the basic human needs for protein foods in the future will be a difficult challenge, especially as demand for fish has doubled since the 1950s. Realistically we can not expect to catch more food from the sea, so we must now turn to farming the waters, not just hunting them. The new challenge for planners is to accelerate aquaculture development and to plan for new production. As millions of people are moving from rural, inland areas to coastal cities we need to make urban areas not only centres of marketing and distribution, but also of production, particularly using recycled urban wastewater. This book on urban aquaculture includes papers from authors in the USA, Europe and Asia that review these emerging issues from the perspective of both developed and developing countries.


  • A Future Urban Ecosystem Incorporating Urban Aquaculture for Wastewater Treatment and Food Production, B Costa-Pierce and A Desbonnet
  • Viewing Urban Aquaculture as an Agroindustry, G Lutz, Louisiana State University, USA
The Evolution of Urban Aquaculture in Asia
  • Opportunities and Constraints to Urban Aquaculture, with a Focus on South and Southeast Asia, D C Little and S W Bunting, University of Stirling, UK
  • Development Status of Prospects for Wastewater-fed Aquaculture in Urban Environments, P Edwards
  • Peri-Urban Aquaculture and Poor Livelihoods in Kolkata, India, S W Bunting, N Kundu and M Mukherjee, Government of West Bengal, India
  • Wastewater-based Urban Aquaculture systems in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, P Van Minh, Asian Institute of Technology, Vietnam, and N De Pauw, Ghent University, Belgium
  • Wastewater Reuse Through Urban Aquaculture in Hanoi, Vietnam: Status and Prospects, V Quy Hoan, Hanoi Agricultural University, Vietnam, and P Edwards
The Evolution of Urban Aquaculture in Europe and North America
  • The Emergence of Urban Aquaculture in Europe, S W Bunting and D C Little
  • Competitive Potential for USA Urban Aquaculture Products, M B Timmons, Cornell University, USA
  • Commercially Feasible Urban Recirculating Aquaculture: Addressing the Marine Sector, Y Zohar, Y Tal, H Schreier, C Steven, J Stubblefield and A Place, University of Maryland, USA
  • Shrimp Culture In Urban, Superintensive Closed Systems, C Browdy, Marine Resources Institute, Charleston, USA, and S Moss, The Oceanic Institute, USA
  • Aquaculture of the Florida Bay Scallop, Argopecten irradians concentricus, in Tampa Bay Florida (USA): An Urban Estuary, N Blake, University of South Florida, USA
  • Four Years of Recirculating Aquaculture In Boston Harbor, USA, C A Goudey and B M Moran, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
The Progress and Potentials of Urban Aquaculture Education
  • Urban Aquaculture in Brooklyn, New York, USA, M P Schreibman and C B Zarnoch, Brooklyn College, CUNY, USA
  • Growing A Future Crop of Aquaculturists: Creating An Urban Aquaculture Education Program in Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA, J J Roy, The Sound School, New Haven, USA
  • Science in Action: Tools for Teaching Urban Aquaculture Concepts, J A Frederick, Center of Marine Biotechnology, Baltimore, USA
  • Urban Aquaculture: A Necessary Reality, J K Buttner, Salem State College, USA
  • Ecolobelling and Urban Aquaculture, C A Roheim, University of Rhode Island, USA
  • Aquaculture in Future Urban Ecosystems, A Desbonnet and B Costa-Pierce

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  • Hardcover: 304 pages
  • Publisher: CABI; First edition (February 6, 2005)
  • Language: English
