Workshop in Animal Technician Training‎


Feb 25, 2010
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Malta Non-Veterinarian
Workshop in Animal Technician Training‎
by NRC


Pages: 67
Publisher: National Research Council
Edition: 1965, Re
Language: English
CCN: 63-60071
ISBN: 978-1151708441


This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1965 edition. Excerpt: ...level was by participating with a college. There is another part on which we can expect that some of this interest can filter down, and that is something that we have not touched upon at all, that in the collegiate training in the field of animal husbandry, there is a growing awareness that in animal husbandry schools a specialty can be identified and course work arranged so that an individual emerges not only as a competent husbandman for swine and beefs, but for laboratory animals. The fact that the job opportunities exist and that this is increasing enough to make it useful for a curriculum committee in a college of agriculture, for example, to spend its time with, is something that is only slowly increasing. At another level,which Dr. Christensen alluded to, and which is not within our purview here, but I do think reflects a growing awareness, is in the veterinary schools themselves where laboratory animal medicine is increasingly recognized as a professional specialty. The entry of the programs that have been developed thus far at the junior and senior levels now into the college atmosphere, the mere buildings, the mere image I think would be an important step, and one in which I am in agreement with Dr. Estep. It is something that would bring into play some resources that I don't think we are going to tap just by reworking out what we have done before, and trying to do it in greater depth. We need a new step to implicate a community which is in being, namely, the community college. Thank you. DR. CHRISTENSEN: We have heard Dr. Estep, who might be considered a representative of the academic area.

Enjoy! :up:

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