Oreste - Open Source Veterinary Management Software

Is necessary to be connected to the internet to make it work?
Is necessary to be connected to the internet to make it work?

It is webbased, so I don't think it'll work without internet connection. Does anyone have experiences with this software?
does this work with Mac OS?

or do u know any good management software for Mac?
i've installed, mbut they ask me to give username and password?? how?? wht r the answers?
A closer look showed that it is still an alpha version. So it may be very buggy (but don't need to). Nonetheless I'd be careful using it in your clinic/practice because if any vital errors occur there may be a loss of your patients data.

It seems to only work with windows. Linux user could try wine (winehq.org), but I don't think this is a stable combination to work with in practice. Maybe it is a better idea to wait until at least a stable beta version is released.

If there is something like a windows emulator for mac I do not know, but maybe if there is one you can try it this way. But, as I said, I don't recommend it...