Important announcement for Donators and All members

ArchiverArchiver is verified member.

Staff member
Feb 6, 2009
Reaction score
Germany Small Animal Veterinarian
Hi Everyone,

In the last few months we had started fund raising to support your and our forum, and we had the idea of Donator Zone to stimulate donations, so far was good. But eventually we noticed that people pay money (previously, donate!!) to get the exclusive materials not to support the forum, which totally opposite to our mission (Knowledge must be Free).

So we apologize for all of you for this practice, we tried but it seems that our method was not correct, so we are sorry again for this. We closed the donation system (we will open it after solving all issues).

For donators (previous and current)
, I do not know your purpose when you decided to donate. If you donated just to get exclusive materials, I think we have to give your money back (so send me email or PM). If it is OK with you and you are satisfied that this money is just to support the forum, so Thank you very much for your generosity and we appreciate this, and your money will used for server costs and maintenance.

For future donations, we will appreciate it just with virtual advantages (f.e.g. Increase inbox size, custom title ... etc) but no more exclusive materials. Exclusive materials will be for all.

Best regards,
thank you VETeLiB, Knowledge must be Free for who has the ability to donate and for who hasn't
All the books will be move to public forum!!

Do, please, wait for this movements!! Do not break the order!!

Books that requires an alternative or are expired, Do, please, wait calmly for it!!

No Thank you posts! There's a button for that!!

Make an argument about the theme if you want to participate. If your argument it's on a previous post, just support it with a thanks button clicked.
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Although knowledge is free, there's no such thing as a free lunch. It should donate to support site operations for sustainable funding.
Dear Dr.Stator,

I wholeheartedly support this move! Happy New Year to all the members!

Good idea to make all exclusive material available for all members!

This move proves your generally altruistic aim and shows that all back-stabbers, critisizing it, were wrong.

But keep the money that was already paid, it was all for the site and for supporting it, the one who complains about it should just get lost!

And don´t worry about maintaining the site, we will keep it running!

In my case, I'm very disappointed about the caracter of some people (users/members).

During my long time working with the forum and attending many different caracters (personalities) of users/members, you get to differentiate types.
Of course, in nature we must have diversity, but there's those who really like to complain, annoy, destroy, not following the common senses, you know self destructive, someone told me once, Foolish People.
We have a priviledge that rare people can achieve, get the material, and we use it to the benefit of all. We share.
After all, eventually,all the material get to accomplish a circle of time and then it is let go out to public forum. We prove it, many times.
Even though, blind of this, members get to pay for exclusive material just to put it out, not considering the risks of it, putting in danger this priviledge.

In general, this resources are extremely difficult to put a hand on, for us veterinarians, for costs, hard to find, etc. Even more, to get this resources, it's nowaday really hard and it requires precautions, hard work to collect and put available.
Thanks god, I'm very optimistic and I work hard and with high principles persons, like our dear VETeLiB, and you just get motivated and enthusiastic every single day. He did conceived this project many years ago, vet4arab, and it started to grow to benefit all of us veterinarians and related professions. As dear Vetaqua said " altruistic aim". Yes, this is it. This is why we all work with him.

So, Foolish People won't stop us! We will keep doing our best.

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as moderator Motoko said it is really hard and difficult to get the ebooks, because first of all we should get the source of the ebook and find the access to it. also collecting book doesn't always happens in one time ,we should do it in small parts or sometimes do it page by page making it a consuming time and also consuming your energy. all this efforts to make it available for our forum, so members should be thankful and also be patient and have good manners. wish our forum to continue with the great work all the members are doing.
thanks a lot for your hard work every moderator and the administrator.
My full support to Motoko, all her explanation here and her extraordinary efforts to keep it all up here!

I can just generally say that wherever there is life there always be parasites, nasty leeches and bloodsuckers...

Once you recognize one setting down on you, give it a final slap and let it drop off dead, but you will never be able to eradicate them finally.

The scum will always show up again and the only way is to maintain a strong foundation, all those who understand this will be a part of it and all others will hopefully drop of some time...I think this is the struggle life demands from us generally, we just must not sell our values too cheaply, although we have to give away a lot for keeping them.

We probably should keep it all free, but we should differ between simple users and real members!

Members make efforts in any way! The Willing and Doing counts!

Users can be slapped off easily, but members do have our respect!
My donation is to support the forum, not just for the exclusive material! I will continue to donate in the future.
I am very happy to pay to support the forum and any donations I have made have been for this purpose. Perhaps we could pay a small membership fee per month/year to ensure that this site can stay alive?

Thanks to all who contribute
Money keeps the world turning, but we must keep in mind that content gives support to all members.
The one who can provide valuable content in sharing papers and scans, or solving requests within our community is very welcomed as well!
Just remember what the former VIP´s did for all of us!


I've been coming to this forum for what must be years now. I went to another forum, which i think was the predecessor of this one. I contributed some humble scanned texts way back, when i could. This place, and what you and the other contributors have done, it truly is a treasure for all veterinarians and those that value the health of animals. I have been thinking of translating the Swedish Veterinary Magazine and uploading it here... Anyway, everyday you can see me reading one of many pdf books that I've acquired from this very forum. I read and read, and hopefully some of it stays in my mind. I have donated, i think it was 20 dollars to access the vip zone, it was all i could donate. And you wouldn't guess how i made that money! It was mostly to support this place, since all VIP books would eventually "leak" anyway. I don't have the funds to buy these texts for now. Yes information has to be free, but if we can pay we should, to support the hardworking people who wrote the texts. It has to be fair for the writers too. I have promised myself that once i get money, and the Swedish vet license, i'll buy the books. I'll start my collection for real. Anyway, enough. Keep the money I donated! It's nothing. In the sea of crap that is the internet, this forum is one of the few exceptions. Something to be proud of. When I can, I'll donate again. Thanks to all contributors for helping the less advantaged of us in our acquisition of knowledge in the service of our animal brothers and sisters.

God bless.
Hi all, I am very happy to keep donating twice yearly, anything to help maintain the site and make more titles available. That is the biggest problem I can see at the current time is being able to find and access new books. the restrictions appear to becoming greater and tighter.
I myself struggle to access many titles here in Australia so this forum is of great value to us all

I have been donating for some time, and will continue to do so, because I am not technologically savvy enough to gather the books.
Therefore, I feel the least I can do is to help provide for the expenses of the forum.
It is a wonderful thing.
Thanks to all of you who make it possible.
Dear administrator/s
I agree with U, donation or charity is to support. I really appreciate you people are working for the cause. I am with u
I totally agree with the annoucement. I have been member of this forum for over 2 years. And honestly, this is the greatest forum for sharing and disscusing knowledge. I donated for the forum not for the exclusive materials but for its maintaining. I so respect the Adminitrators of the forum for doing such a good job.
Best regards
hi, everyone.. so how can we donate if we want to give $$ to help out the cause :D:
No worries.
I donate to support the forum and not just for the material.
The donation is my way to encourage or to support the sustainability of the forum.
It is also my way to show that we are truly truly grateful for such forums though honestly and truthfully to say that unfortunately I have very very little time to discuss at this forum as I am working crazy hours and have heavy case loads with frequent SID or BID meals per day only and despite the slight hypoglycemia and dehydration, I have to drag on working.
So yeah, I am truly grateful for this forum or website and whenever possible or when i have the means will donate to show support.
Just to say again, thank you very very much.
Please do realize that this website/forum has help vets across the world to safe more lives by making the knowledge free to all.
I have been a proud member and donor of the site for a few years now, and I do not have a problem with paying a premium for access to highly sought after materials and new releases. As a student with no income, I do prefer the ability to choose my donation amount, rather than have one set amount to pay that is higher than I could afford at one time. That being said, I would never ask for any of my money back, and I would be very disappointed in anyone who benefitted from the collection and then requested a refund now.

I wonder if there is a way to still keep the Donator's Zone, but cycle the materials out to the public within a few months for those who cannot afford to donate, so that everyone eventually has access to the materials, and the site still has a more consistent source of income? Just a thought, I'm definitely not trying to offend anyone.