Important announcement for Donators and All members

I wonder if there is a way to still keep the Donator's Zone, but cycle the materials out to the public within a few months for those who cannot afford to donate, so that everyone eventually has access to the materials, and the site still has a more consistent source of income? Just a thought, I'm definitely not trying to offend anyone.

I think this is the best solution for everyone. You should give access to newer books only to members who donate a certain amount of $ but after 6 months these books will be moved to the public forum. In this way knowledge will be free but people can choose to have books sooner and at the same time they can support the forum.
If a member needs urgently a particular book he could pay few bucks (five euros?) for a very short access to donator zone. I can't see any disadvantage in this method and an income will be guaranteed to cover the forum expenses.

It could be possible also to separate members who want to donate to support the forum and members who want specifically contribute to buy a book. As I said in a previous thread there is a way to buy multiple books using the same money.

Maybe a survey could be useful to evaluate what members want.
I am new to the forum/site (- found it years ago, during school and then forgot in all the busyness) and think that the ability to access these texts (which I other wise would not be able to) is amazing. I think that it is always difficult in situations like this ti juggle the ability of access and the need for funding to function. I hope that those of us who benefit will remember how it helped us and give back when we are able to help those who come after us.
What difference would it make?!