Recent content by mohrizk

  1. mohrizk

    Marker assisted selection

    It has been removed, Please reupload again.
  2. mohrizk

    VetCheck Shareware Version

    Dead link Plz reupload!
  3. mohrizk

    dairy cd

    Dead link Plz reupload!!
  4. mohrizk

    DNA interactive DVD

    The new link is also dead. What can I do?!!!
  5. mohrizk

    Atlas of Bovine Anatomy and Medical Imaging - Online - Montreal Univ.

    Dear Stator, where is the atlas?? Do you mean the photos of the cow and the calf with some names to their external body regions or there is a real atlas and I do not know. Please explain!
  6. mohrizk

    Virtual Pig Dissection

    It is ok with me no problem at all. Please open it in Firefox as it has the required plug-in. If u have IE, u should download the required shock-wave plug-in as stated in the website. Enjoy it.
  7. mohrizk

    DNA interactive DVD

    As I am working in biotechnology, I need this DVD so please anyone can reupload it so soon.
  8. mohrizk

    Post Partum Problems

    Please leave the name of the author on the front page as this copyright. If you were the author, put your name.
  9. mohrizk

    Anatomy questions

    From your experience in dog anatomy, can you tell me why the dog raises its leg up when urinates? And why its tail bends up?