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  1. J

    Request Técnicas quirúrgicas en bovinos

    "Técnicas quirúrgicas en bovinos" Autor: Ordóñez Medina, Rafael Editorial: TRILLAS Edición: 2, 2014
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    Request Urgencias quirúrgicas en bovinos

    "Urgencias quirúrgicas en bovinos" Autor: RAFAEL ORDOÑEZ MEDINA / Tovar Corona, Irma Editorial: EDITORIAL TRILLAS Edición: 1, 2016
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    veterinary clinics north america equine practice 1989, 1988

    Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice Volume 5, Issue 2, Pages 247-448 (August 1989) Advances in Equine Abdominal SurgeryEdited by Jack R. Snyder and Mark D. Markel...
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    Le nouveau praticien veterinaire 2014

    Florent Perrot ,,Une invagination iléale chez une vache Holstein" Le Nouveau Praticien Veterinaire, N°27, volume 7, 2014link to online version
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    Request Handbuch Pferdepraxis edition4

    Handbuch Pferdepraxis: Begründet von Olof Dietz und Bernhard Huskamp Gebundene Ausgabe...
  6. J

    Request Veterinary Clinics North America Food Animal Practice Ruminant Surgery 2016

    Veterinary Clinics of North America: Food Animal Practice Volume 32, Issue 3, Pages 535-848 (November 2016) Ruminant Surgery Edited by Andrew J. Niehaus and David E. Anderson
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    Veterinary Clinics North America, Food Animal Practice 1990, 1989

    1. all articles in :Volume 6, Issue 2 - selected pp. 265-529 (July 1990) 2. Volume 5, Issue 1 - selected pp. 1-236 (March 1989) only article Surgical Conditions in the Llama Pages 81-99 A.S. Turner...
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    Request Farm Animal Surgery 2nd edition

    Geriatric Disorders Geriatric Disorders, An Issue of Veterinary Clinics of North America: Equine Practice, 1st Edition ISBN Number 9780323459952 Main Author By Catherine M. McGowan, BVSc, MACVSc, DEIM, DECEIM, PhD, FHEA, MRCVS Copyright Year 2016 Edition Number 1 Format Book Imprint
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    Request Manuel de médecine des bovins

    MANUEL DE MÉDECINE DES BOVINS Auteur(s) : David FRANCOZ, Yvon COUTURE MEDCOM 2014 CARACTÉRISTIQUES 17 x 24 cm 704 pages 2014 ISBN : 978235403-186-2
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    Journal American Veterinary Medical Assoc.JAVMA

    please about scan Ducharme N., Smith DF, Koch D Small Intestinal Obstruction Caused by a Persistent Round Ligament of the Liver in a Cow J Am Vet Med Assoc 180:1234-1235, 1982
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    Rumentomie beim Rind Teat Surgery in Cattle

    Re: teat surgery in cattle Dirksen, Rosenberger, Gotze Teat surgery, Rumenotomy, Intestinal anastomosis, Dehorning, LDA *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
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    I need some articles from ,,Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery" in the site...

    I need some articles from ,,Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery" in the site Could You help me? Jaro
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    La Chirurgie de L'Intestine du Veau et de la Vache Intestinal Surgery of the Calf and Cow by Madame Laetitia Charlotte CAILLAT Dissertations 2008 Ecole Nationale Veterinaire Alfort Pages: 122 Publisher: -- Edition: 2008 Language: French ISBN: -- Description Le « syndrome occlusif »...
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    Cattle and small ruminants surgery Point Veterinaire special issue

    Chirurgie des Bovins et des Petits Ruminants Pages: 139 Publisher: -- Edition: N° spécial de : "Le point vétérinaire", 31, t. 1, numéro spécial 2000. Language: Italian ISSN 0335-4997 Description This resource contents themes like: Tecnica di Enterotomia ed Entectomia Segni...
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    vet clin equine 1997

    Surgery of the small intestine. Freeman D.E. The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice 1997 13:2 (261-301) Diseases and surgery of the cecum. Dabareiner R.M., White 2nd. N.A. The Veterinary clinics of North America. Equine practice 1997 13:2 (303-315) Diseases and surgery...
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    scanning old books and articles

    I have a suggestion that expand resource library for old books and journals , which also brings extensive knowledge and are valuable. I suggest that, if possible to do so.Best way to scan.
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    DZIUK, H. E. and E. A. USENIK. Intestinal intussusception in a cow. J. Am. vet. med. Ass. 145: 348-351. 1964. PEARSON, H. Intussusception in cattle. Vet. Rec. 89: 426-437. 1971. BOSSHART, J. K. Telescoped intestines in cattle. Cornell Vet. 20: 55-58. 1930...
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    indian journal veterinary surgery

    I know, but there you have to pay and there is not any volumes
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    indian journal veterinary surgery

    Intussusception in-a case report. K.M.L. Pathak, S.N.S. Gaur and S.K. Mishra vol 3 no 1 january 1982 Dilatation and torsion of caecum in a cow. A.P. Singh, Jit Singh, Rishi Tayal, S.M. Behl and P.K. Peshin vol 6 no 2 1985 Dilatation and torsion of caecum of in a cow -A.P. Singh...
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    Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde Netherlands journal of veterinary science

    Tijdschrift voor diergeneeskunde. Netherlands journal of veterinary science all volumes