indian journal veterinary surgery


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Nov 29, 2009
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Germany Large Animal Veterinarian
Intussusception in-a case report.
K.M.L. Pathak, S.N.S. Gaur and S.K. Mishra
vol 3 no 1 january 1982

Dilatation and torsion of caecum in a cow.
A.P. Singh, Jit Singh, Rishi Tayal, S.M. Behl and P.K. Peshin vol 6 no 2 1985

Dilatation and torsion of caecum of in a cow
-A.P. Singh, Jit Singh, Rishi Tayal, S.M. Behal and P.K. Peshin vol 7 no 1 1986

Perforation of colon with invagination and eventration of small intestine in an ewe
M.S. Al-Badrany, T.A. Abid and A.P. Singh vol 9 no 1 1988

Intestinal obstruction in ruminants : A review
-D.M. Makhdoomi, A.P. Singh, Maninder Singh and D.Krishnamurthy
Vol 16 no 2 1995

I know, but there you have to pay and there is not any volumes
I know, but there you have to pay and there is not any volumes

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