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  1. G

    Navle review lectures from university of florida

    Thank you for sharing but the link does not work
  2. G

    VIN ROUNDS: Anesthesia/Analgesia 2015 - 2020

    It's a great sharing. But decryption key needs to open it.
  3. G

    Demonstration Anatomy Tutorial Videos

    Does anyone still have these movies? It would be great if they could be uploaded again.. Thanx in advance...
  4. G

    Ornamental Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates: Self-Assessment Color Review, 2e (2016)

    This is a new edition in the Self-Assessment Colour Review series that covers ornamental fish. It includes 200 colour illustrated cases in random order, as they would be presented in practice. It presents questions based on each case with answers that fully explore the disease/disorder. This...
  5. G

    Veterinary Cytology: Dog, Cat, Horse and Cow: Self-Assessment Color Review, 2e (2017)

    S*lf-Ass*ssment Color R*view Veterinary Cytology: Dog, Cat, Horse, and Cow Second Edition by Francesco Cian and Kathleen P. Freeman Pages: 240 Publisher: -- Edition: 2017 Serie: S*lf Ass*sment Color R*view Language: English ISBN: 978-1498766715 Description This highly visual book provides...