Demonstration Anatomy Tutorial Videos

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Feb 6, 2009
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Germany Small Animal Veterinarian
All Anatomy Videos Will be Place Here

:mad: DONOT!!! :mad:

Form New Threads If You Have a New Videos

But Just Post them in This Thread. :)


Bones and Deep Structures - Part A


Bones and Deep Structures - Part B


Bones and Deep Structures - Part C


Equine Thoracic Limb


Muscles of the Equine Limb - Part A


Muscles of the Equine Limb - Part B


Muscles of the Equine Limb - Part C


:) To be Continued​
"Thoracic Viscera part I" MP4 (300 MB)

"Thoracic Viscera part II" Version 1 MP4 (136 MB) Version 2 MP4 (190 MB)

"Thoracic Limb Blood Vessels and Nerves" MP4 (272 MB)

"Equine Anatomy of the Heart" MP4 (20 MB)

"Venious Drainage of the TL" MP4 (45 MB)

"Canine Urogenital Apparatus Male" MOV (105 MB)

"Canine Urogenital Apparatus Female" MOV (173 MB)

"Canine Blood Vessels and Nerves of the Pelvic Limb" MOV (140 MB)

* Dr. Ray's 3D limb movies (83 MB)

"Removal of the Canine Brain" MOV (135 M)

"Latex Injected Brain" MOV (73 M)

"Large Animal Eye Labratory" MOV (44 M)

"Gross Anatomy of the Brain Spinal Cord" MP4 (149 M)

"Larynx of the Horse" MOV (190 M)

"Large Animal Eye Lab" MOV (54 M)

"Dissection of the Dog Head"

- Part I MOV (161 M)

- Part II MOV (110 M)

- Part III MOV (146 M)

- Part IV MOV (107 M)

"Dissection of the Horse Head"

- Part I MOV (112 M)

- Part II MOV (223 M)

"Dissection of the Ox Head"

- Part I MOV (133 M)

- Part II MOV (88 M)

"Neuroanatomy Labratory" MOV (25 mins | 106 M)

"Anatomy of the Brain" MOV (46 mins | 202 M)

"Anatomy of the Canine Skull & Mandible" MOV (1 hr 24 mins | 324 M)

"Comparative Anatomy of the Skull & Mandible Part 3" MOV (46 mins | 185 M)

"Dissection of the Horse"

- Part I (neck) MOV (36 mins | 166 M)

- Part II (trunk) MOV (37 mins | 162 M)

- Part III-A (thorax) MOV (38 mins | 191 M)

- Part III-B (heart) MOV (21 mins | 110 M)

- Part IV (abdominal viscera) MOV (14 mins | 70 M)

- Part V (thoracic limb) MOV (46 mins | 211 M)

"Dissection of the Bovine"

- Part I (Abdomen & Abdominal Viscera) MOV (19 mins | 90 M)
Thank you very much for the videos
Only one question
I have some problems with the videos and the audio there is no sound in the video it´s a problem with the webpage or the video are without sound? , Could you help me?
Thanks in advance

Not all videos have sound some of them

but if all of them have no sound it may be a problem with the program you are using or the codecs
Superficial Musculature of the Neck and Thorax [Dissection Videos - 1 of 2]


Superficial Musculature of the Neck and Thorax

Narration by: Dr. Karin Kooreman, DVM
Dissection by: Erika Pailer

Download Links ( 3 Parts - 95.78 MBx2 + 95.71 MB ):​

Does anyone still have these movies? It would be great if they could be uploaded again.. Thanx in advance...