Pathology Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals


Dec 12, 2009
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Chile Large Animal Veterinarian
Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals
With Special Reference to Etiology, Signs, Pathology and Management

by C. D. N. Singh.


Pages: 500
Publisher: International Book Distributing Company
Edition: 2008
Language: English
ISBN: 978-8181891358


The book grew out of more than three decades of teaching and the schematic structure of the text has been designed to cater to the needs and problems of the students in both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the veterinary colleges, diagnosticians and veterinary practitioners engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of
animal diseases. The VCl syllabi followed in different agricultural universities have been kept in view in preparing the manuscripts of this book for inserting pertinent pathological changes noticed in different animal diseases andrelevant information on the management and treatment needed with the object of making this book of high value to
the students, teachers and veterinary practitioners. The book has been written in a simple easy and lucid language with more emphasis on the symptoms, lesions and treatment of diseases. The material in the advanced pathology and treatment of diseases of domestic animals is organized ill a manner so that the students are introduced to symptoms and lesions of diseases and their relevance to diagnosis, chemotherapeutic and Prophylactic measures.

Different tables on symptoms and lesions of animal diseases, veterinary drugs and vaccination schedules have been incorporated in the book for quick diagnosis, treatment
on time and prophylactic steps against such diseases. Molecular imaging is an important adjunct to today's pathology and medicine helping the detection of disease
processes much earlier with information on the origins of disease realated pathways, targets and adoption of proper methods for treatment and management of the root cause of diseases. It, thus, revolutionises the usual practice of treatment through symptoms by adopting technology driven techniques like PET, eT, SPECT, ultrasound, MRl and optical imaging etc. in patients.


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Advanced Pathology and Treatment of Diseases of Domestic Animals
With Special Reference to Etiology, Signs, Pathology and Management

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