Pharmacology Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: An Integrated Textbook and Computer Simulatio


Jan 31, 2011
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United States Non-Veterinarian
Basic Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics:
An Integrated Textbook and Computer Simulation

By Sara E. Rosenbaum

  • Paperback: 448 pages
  • Publisher: ; 1 edition (May 24, 2011)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0470569069
  • ISBN-13: 978-0470569061


With its clear, straightforward presentation, this text enables you to grasp all the fundamental concepts of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. This will allow you to understand the time course of drug response and dosing regimen design. Clinical models for concentration and response are described and built from the basic concepts presented in earlier chapters. Your understanding of the material will be enhanced by guided computer exercises conducted on a companion website. Simulations will allow you to visualize drug behavior, experiment with different dosing regimens, and observe the influence of patient characteristics and model parameters. This makes the book ideal for self-study.By including clinical models of agonism, indirect drug effects, tolerance, signal transduction, and disease progression, author Sara Rosenbaum has created a work that stands out among introductory-level textbooks in this area.You'll find several features throughout the text to help you better understand and apply key concepts:

  • Three fictitious drugs are used throughout the text to progressively illustrate the development and application of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles
  • Exercises at the end of each chapter reinforce the concepts and provide the opportunity to perform and solve common dosing problems
  • Detailed instructions let you create custom Excel worksheets to perform simple pharmacokinetic analyses
Because this is an introductory textbook, the material is presented as simply as possible. As a result, you'll find it easy to gain an accurate, working knowledge of all the core principles, apply them to optimize dosing regimens, and evaluate the clinical pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic literature.
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