Full Title of Book: Boas: Everything about Selection, Care, Nutrition, Diseases, Breeding, and Behavior
Author(s): Doug Wagner
Editor(s) / Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Year Published: 1996
ISBN-10: 0812096266 and / or ISBN-13: 9780812096262
Size Format: 96 pages PDF 19.5 MB
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Boas are considered by many to be the most beautiful of all snakes, but because they originate in the tropics they require special care when they are kept and bred in captivity. This book stresses the importance of maintaining proper living conditions for the boa, describes basic anatomy, and advises on purchasing, feeding, breeding, and general health care.
Author(s): Doug Wagner
Editor(s) / Publisher: Barron's Educational Series
Year Published: 1996
ISBN-10: 0812096266 and / or ISBN-13: 9780812096262
Size Format: 96 pages PDF 19.5 MB
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Boas are considered by many to be the most beautiful of all snakes, but because they originate in the tropics they require special care when they are kept and bred in captivity. This book stresses the importance of maintaining proper living conditions for the boa, describes basic anatomy, and advises on purchasing, feeding, breeding, and general health care.