Buying ebooks from Amazon and sharing them?


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Apr 17, 2011
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Veterinary Student
Hi, I noticed that the anatomy book from Dyce is missing in the forum,so I thought that I can buy the book and share it with the forum. Is there a software that can do this? Is it reliable? And is there a interest in collecting money on the forum,buying the book, cracking the DRM and sharing it here?
recently I create a facebook group to see the possibility of buy books that we cant get.....I bought a couple of books time ago....with DMR protecion....epub and pdf....and I erased the DMR protection with any problem and I share them with all the people who give money to buy the books......gretings!

For example....I bought a book in this ebook store....and u can find the dyce too
But the price there is 125 dollars. Amazon has it for 95 dollars. And a link to the Facebook group?
how can i help this?
  • Find other people who want to buy the book. 10 people = 9 dollars per person 15 people= 6 dollars etc.
  • Find a program that can crack the copyright restriction. After that, the rest is easy
yes...but It's in epub the link that I put u can get it in pdf....
Converting between formats is really easy once you crack the DRM. I sent you a request, let me know if I need to do something to get approved.
I would imagine from amazon the book is pretty encrypted and may be hard to release. However - Dyce is a GREAT book so I would highly reccomend getting it!
I have a software to descrypt DMR need people who wants to give money.....

convert epub into pdf....mmmm....isnt the same quality.....but......who participate will have right to choose that...
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I have a software to descrypt DMR need people who wants to give money.....

convert epub into pdf....mmmm....isnt the same quality.....but......who participate will have right to choose that...

Can you tell me what the decrypting software is? Amazon's books aren't in epub or pdf, but with Calibre,they are easily converted to epub. What format do you prefer?
...pdf...and in the webpage that I give...u can get it in this format.....and almost all the people in this place prefer too.......and I insist.....for me....the transformation between this formats arent good.....
convert epub into pdf - which program is the best
Calibre as mentioned in this very thread is very good, recommended!
if u get the money...i can buy it for u, cause i bough a spanish book from that ebook store (i have an account there) and I take off the dmr protection with any problem......greetings!
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Thanks Animal, I'll keep you updated if I get enough people. I haven's seen that book on this site so I think it will be a great addition to my library and this site's library.
I'm waiting for everyone's replies!!

I just need 9 more people to pitch in $10 so we can buy the "Clinical Veterinary Advisor"

we have that book in this place....myself share it....but was the online version convert it into multiples pdf files......but if u still want the original ebook i keep my offer to help to get it.....